[Fontconfig] Fontconfig search and pattern issues

Pau Freixes pfreixes at milnou.net
Fri Feb 9 04:09:04 PST 2007

Hi to all, Im newest in a list, first at all thks for this great work !

I have a little doubt about search with patterns and matching fonts.

I hat see the most commonly form for search a font path and make a
pattern is with this functions


With this functions I can found my pattern build with default
configurations if srouce pattern isn't some kind of attributes ( style,
face ..) with FcDefaultSubstitute but i would like search a Font and the
all extend types, for example search for Verdana font and all styles for
this Font ?

Exist any method or function api for retrive this kind of information ?

And another question about this, in a file font can be exist a several
render styles of font ? for example in arial.ttf exist bold and italic
style .. and how can i retrive this kind of font if is a member of a
same file of general font ? this is a index of file ?

Thks for all

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