[Fontconfig] Lucida Sans/Grande/Unicode matching confusion

Raimund Steger rs at mytum.de
Mon Apr 30 04:45:20 PDT 2012


On Mon, April 30, 2012 02:53, S Page wrote:
> [...]
> [**] Do sans serif fonts all default to DejaVu Sans because
> /etc/fonts/conf.avail/60-latin.conf has a prefer section that lists it
> first?
>         <alias>
>                 <family>sans-serif</family>
>                 <prefer>
>                         <family>DejaVu Sans</family>
>                         <family>Bitstream Vera Sans</family>
>                         ...

Yes, this should be the place that has the most direct impact.

If all you want is an alias for "Lucida Sans", the following in
~/.fonts.conf should work:

  <family>Lucida Sans</family>
    <family>Lucida Sans Unicode</family>
    <!-- or whatever variant you have -->

However: The spelling "Lucida Sans" is used by TTF fonts bundled with
certain Sun software (Solaris, JDK), so maybe you already have them, and
adding something like


to ~/.fonts.conf would even work?

As the blog article you mentioned suggests, it would be a good idea for
webpages that want to be portable to specify the major Lucida variants in
their CSS rules, not just one of them. Whether fontconfig needs new
default rules for Lucida or even a new generic family name, I don't know.
I think generic names are meant to work across all locales, and the other
aliases are typically metric-compatible.


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