[Fontconfig] how to read config file from current dir (relative to a binary using the lib)

Helmut Tessarek ml at evermeet.cx
Mon Aug 27 22:58:16 PDT 2012

On 28.08.12 1:13 , Akira TAGOH wrote:
> Other than that, those setenv thing has to be called before FcInit().
> if it's written in C++ say and FcInit() is called in any constructors,
> it may not work as expected unless you are sure you did it before
> calling FcInit().

Thanks, this is useful information for the future. wrt ffmpeg, it is written
in C and I made sure I called the stenv before the FcInit.

But no worries.

I will patch fontconfig to use a relative directory. Since I'm compiling
fontconfig as a static lib and ffmpeg as a static binary, there is no harm in
doing this.


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