[Fontconfig] Understanding <default> alias

Petr Gajdos pgajdos at suse.cz
Wed Feb 22 06:46:33 PST 2012

Hi list,

only as example to figure out how fontconfig's 
works, I put myself into following situation:

I have installed (on changeroot) Droid fonts, Liberation 
fonts and STIXGeneral fonts, no other fonts.

I emptyed all configuration, but I added:
       <alias binding="same">
                        <family>DejaVu Serif</family>
                        <family>Droid Serif</family>
                        <family>Liberation Serif</family>

        <alias binding="same">
                <family>Droid Serif</family>
        <alias binding="same">
                <family>DejaVu Serif</family>

        <alias binding="same">
                <family>Liberation Serif</family>

        <alias binding="same">

I wanted to have all Serif fonts grouped together in myserif and
whenever any of them that is not installed (DejaVu Serif in this case)
is requested, fc-match would return first available from 
<accept></accept> block of myserif alias. (I wanted to somewhat
simplify the situation in 30-metric-aliases.conf.)

But it seems that I either misunderstand <default></default> purpose
or I do other thing wrong: fc-match "myserif" returns STIXGeneral as
expected, but  fc-match "DejaVu Serif" returns

LiberationMono-Regular.ttf: "Liberation Mono" "Regular"

What I am missing? What's the exact meaning of <default> alias?

Any help is appreciated!

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