[Fontconfig] Understanding <default> alias

Petr Gajdos pgajdos at suse.cz
Fri Feb 24 02:42:19 PST 2012


On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 11:15:01AM +0100, Petr Gajdos wrote:
> have no idea why it matters, I don't know internals of fontconfig).
I have it now ;-).

> Note that, for <default> alias, it make sense to have more 
> <family> tags in.

ok, I have read bug 44826 and 33644; result of

<alias binding="same">
        <family>Droid Sans</family>
        <family>DejaVu Sans</family>
        <family>Liberation Sans</family>

is (FC_DEBUG=4)

Add Subst match
        pattern any family Equal "Droid Sans" Comma "DejaVu Sans" Comma "Liberation Sans"
        Edit family AppendLast "mysans";

How can I achieve it by <match><test><edit> (Comma operator)?

Thanks for your help,

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