[Fontconfig] Problem when <alias> is followed by more than one <family>

Petr Gajdos pgajdos at suse.cz
Wed Feb 29 08:05:45 PST 2012

Hi Raimund,

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 10:25:34AM +0100, Raimund Steger wrote:
> Petr Gajdos wrote:
> >[...]
> >0. Forget. It can't work this way.
> Well at the moment it's just unsupported syntax.
> fontconfig's implementation of <alias> parsing could probably be
> changed with some effort, but what's wrong with just using a bunch of
> <alias> elements? These aren't going to change so often anyway.

Yes, you are right, I will concentrate on more important todo I have

Thanks for your attention,
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