[Fontconfig] Support font family name for each language

Akira TAGOH akira at tagoh.org
Tue Jun 5 02:00:10 PDT 2012

On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 4:45 PM, Deokjin Kim <deokjin81.kim at samsung.com> wrote:
> Hello Akira,
> Unfortunately, your recommendation doesn't work. (fc-match "Malgun Gothic":namelang=ko)
> It returns "malgun.ttf: "Malgun Gothic" "Regular"", not "맑은 고딕".

Well, I don't have the font. I can't suggest more details but if you
can see the line like 'familylang: "ko"(s)' in the result of fc-query
malgun.ttf, that "ko" is the keyword to be passed to namelang. also
make sure you can see the line 'namelang: "ko"(s)' when you run
fc-match -v "Malgun Gothic":namelang=ko. otherwise you may use it not
from git.

> Can I know when below feature is supported? (next release means "2.10.0"?)

Well, depends on the bug fixes though, I'm planning to have a release
in this month or so.


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