[Fontconfig] complicated ordering

Behdad Esfahbod behdad at behdad.org
Wed Jun 13 17:32:56 PDT 2012

On 06/13/2012 08:25 PM, Raimund Steger wrote:

> A possible over-engineered solution for family substitutes would be to promote
> fontconfig properties from list-valued to ordered-tree-valued, e. g. having
>   family: sans--HelveticaClass--Helvetica
>             |               `---Arial
>             +---LucidaClass-----Lucida Sans Unicode
>             |           `-------Lucida Grande
>             `---PGothic---------HG-PGothicB-Sun
>                    `------------MS PGothic
> where nodes in the tree could be moved as unit, i. e. all the Sanses can stay
> together if an 'edit' operates on that level, and edits can assign new parents
> and childs as additional modes.

I actually kinda like this.

If we can find an expressive language that does not rely on rule orders, I
think that is an improvement.


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