[Fontconfig] reminder: 2.11.0 to be released in next week

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Tue Jun 18 02:17:42 PDT 2013

Le Lun 17 juin 2013 14:25, Raimund Steger a écrit :

>   <match>
>     <test1>
>     <edit1>
>   </match>
>   <match>
>     <test1>
>     <test2>
>     <edit2>
>   </match>
> i. e., test2 is only evaluated if test1 was successful.

why is edit1 dumped in the second block ? I'd expect it to be applied to
(even though edit2 will often overwrite it)

What happens if edit1 changes a bit test2 checks?


Nicolas Mailhot

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