[Fontconfig] How to block glyph fallback in a QT application?

suzuki toshiya mpsuzuki at hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Thu Jan 9 01:04:43 PST 2014


Sorry, yet I've not identified the part of Qt source doing that...

 >> then Qt
 >> asks FT for a font that best matches the family, style, size, and script

Excuse me, Qt asks FreeType? or FontConfig? I think FreeType2
does not have the database of the font available on the system.


Janusz S. Bien wrote (2014/01/09 17:59):
> Quote/Cytat - Konstantin Ritt <ritt.ks at gmail.com> (Wed 08 Jan 2014 
> 01:58:46 AM CET):
> Thank you very much for your explanation.
>> If you're talking about the font fallback implementation:
>> If a font has a gaps in coverage for characters in a given script, 
>> then Qt
>> asks FT for a font that best matches the family, style, size, and script
>> (the "most-common" language for that script).
> Is it possible to switch on tracing of the selection process?
>> In case of ambiguous script,
>> like Inherited, Common, or Han, the language is determined from the
>> environment. If some of those not covered characters still not covered 
>> with
>> this font, the loop continues.
>> If that's not what you was asking about, plz provide a context.
> I have to make some additional tests.
> Best regards
> Janusz

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