[Fontconfig] Crash on odroid C1 (armv7) + openSUSE

Simon Lees simon at simotek.net
Sun Jun 7 19:09:41 PDT 2015

On 06/08/2015 11:17 AM, Akira TAGOH wrote:
> What version of fontconfig did you use?
Sorry realised I should have mentioned this after sending, that was 
2.11.1 as shipped by openSUSE, 
I also tried 2.11.0 from a older openSUSE and from ubuntu 14.04 which 
was working on the ubuntu userspace. I am going to build from git and 
try that hopefully tonight

A strange pattern i've noticed is that regardless of version and when it 
runs its always trying to access 0x31595E93 i'll try and dig a bit 
deeper tonight, the logs come from launching ubuntu in valgrind.

> On Sat, Jun 6, 2015 at 9:55 PM, Simon Lees <simon at simotek.net 
> <mailto:simon at simotek.net>> wrote:
>     Hi All,
>     Trying to launch enlightenment under openSUSE on my ODROID C1 and
>     valgrind is reporting the following crash, I'll try and get more
>     info later but gdb isn't running properly for me atm. If there is
>     a better place to report this let me know.
>     ==23094== Invalid read of size 4
>     ==23094==    at 0x56553D4: FcPatternObjectPosition (fcpat.c:396)
>     ==23094==    by 0x5655B03: FcPatternObjectFindElt (fcpat.c:412)
>     ==23094==    by 0x5656973: FcPatternObjectGet (fcpat.c:852)
>     ==23094==    by 0x5656B5B: FcPatternObjectGetString (fcpat.c:936)
>     ==23094==    by 0x5645D67: FcConfigAddCache (fccfg.c:329)
>     ==23094==    by 0x5645EBB: FcConfigAddDirList (fccfg.c:382)
>     ==23094==    by 0x5645F43: FcConfigBuildFonts (fccfg.c:412)
>     ==23094==    by 0x564FAB3: FcInitLoadOwnConfigAndFonts (fcinit.c:140)
>     ==23094==    by 0x4CFD667: ??? (in /usr/lib/libevas.so.1.13.2)
>     ==23094==    by 0x4C8756F: evas_canvas_font_path_append (in
>     /usr/lib/libevas.so.1.13
>     .2)
>     ==23094==    by 0x4C8C667: evas_font_path_append (in
>     /usr/lib/libevas.so.1.13.2)
>     ==23094==    by 0xE7D5F: e_path_evas_append (in
>     /usr/bin/enlightenment)
>     ==23094==    by 0x55A1B: e_canvas_add (in /usr/bin/enlightenment)
>     ==23094==    by 0x41C1B: main (in /usr/bin/enlightenment)
>     ==23094==  Address 0x3159ce93 is not stack'd, malloc'd or
>     (recently) free'd
>     ==23094==
>     ==23094==
>     ==23094== Process terminating with default action of signal 11
>     (SIGSEGV)
>     ==23094==  Access not within mapped region at address 0x3159CE93
>     ==23094==    at 0x56553D4: FcPatternObjectPosition (fcpat.c:396)
>     ==23094==    by 0x5655B03: FcPatternObjectFindElt (fcpat.c:412)
>     ==23094==    by 0x5656973: FcPatternObjectGet (fcpat.c:852)
>     ==23094==    by 0x5656B5B: FcPatternObjectGetString (fcpat.c:936)
>     ==23094==    by 0x5645D67: FcConfigAddCache (fccfg.c:329)
>     ==23094==    by 0x5645EBB: FcConfigAddDirList (fccfg.c:382)
>     ==23094==    by 0x5645F43: FcConfigBuildFonts (fccfg.c:412)
>     ==23094==    by 0x564FAB3: FcInitLoadOwnConfigAndFonts (fcinit.c:140)
>     ==23094==    by 0x4CFD667: ??? (in /usr/lib/libevas.so.1.13.2)
>     ==23094==    by 0x4C8756F: evas_canvas_font_path_append (in
>     /usr/lib/libevas.so.1.13
>     .2)
>     ==23094==    by 0x4C8C667: evas_font_path_append (in
>     /usr/lib/libevas.so.1.13.2)
>     ==23094==    by 0xE7D5F: e_path_evas_append (in
>     /usr/bin/enlightenment)
>     ==23094==    by 0x55A1B: e_canvas_add (in /usr/bin/enlightenment)
>     ==23094==    by 0x41C1B: main (in /usr/bin/enlightenment)
>     Cheers
>     Simon Lees
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>     Fontconfig at lists.freedesktop.org
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> -- 
> Akira TAGOH

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