[Fontconfig] 2.12.91 fails to build on mingw?

sora at posteo.jp sora at posteo.jp
Sun Dec 17 11:27:44 UTC 2017

I tried cross compiling fontconfig for windows but it fails with this 

   CC       fc-cache.o
   CCLD     fc-cache.exe
../src/.libs/libfontconfig.a(fccfg.o):fccfg.c:(.text+0x5282): undefined 
reference to `readlink'

I think readlink is iconv?
$ find . -iname '*readlink*'

Config line: ./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --prefix=<prefix> 
--disable-shared --enable-static --disable-docs
Using MinGW64 from git master and gcc 7.2.0

Also, is there a way to avoid using libuuid? I have to rely on this: 
https://github.com/h0tw1r3/libuuid-mingw .. which is very old and seems 
inactive.. (Unless there is a newer source for this)


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