[Fontconfig] fontconfig: Branch 'master'

Florent Rougon f.rougon at free.fr
Fri Jun 9 08:36:24 UTC 2017

Thanks again.

tagoh at kemper.freedesktop.org (Akira TAGOH) wrote:

>     Fix erroneous test on language id in FcLangSetPromote()
>     FcLangSetIndex() indicates "not found" with a non-negative return value.
>     Return value 0 doesn't imply "not found", it rather means "language
>     found at index 0 in fcLangCharSets".

Reading this again, the code is still correct, AFAICT, but I actually
meant "negative" in the first line, sorry. :-/

  non-negative -> found
  negative     -> not found



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