[Fontconfig] Fontconfig Digest, Vol 145, Issue 2
Jerry Casiano
jerrycasiano at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 22:23:25 UTC 2017
The answer to question #1 is yes. That approach would have to be supported
at the application level.
The answer to question #2 is also yes. You can generate fontconfig
configuration files that limit what the system sees before you run the
application, or even while it's running in most cases, though that wouldn't
be application specific but desktop wide.
As far as the specification goes, doing your own if/then/else doesn't sound
like the best idea, sounds rather messy. You should probably just use the
functions provided by glib, unless you really want to avoid depending on it
for whatever reason.
On Sep 11, 2017 5:13 AM, "Donn Ingle" <donn.ingle at gmail.com> wrote:
> Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 20:45:08 +1200
> From: Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo at geek-central.gen.nz>
> To: fontconfig at lists.freedesktop.org
> Subject: Re: [Fontconfig] Two questions for too many fonts and
> Fontypython
> Message-ID: <20170910204508.7ce7a9fd at theon.geek-central.gen.nz>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> On Sun, 10 Sep 2017 10:26:05 +0200, Donn Ingle wrote:
> > I don't suppose this is a fontconfig problem, per se, but more one
> > for the gui people in GTK-etc-land.
> Apps can certainly use Fontconfig to help with this, by creating
> user-controlled configuration objects that only include fonts from
> specified paths.
I'd like to know more about this process.
1. Does it have to be each individual app developer who volunteers to do
this? i.e. is it baked-into the code?
2. Can it be a general script/app that pre-manages fonts according to what
software you are about to run?
(For e.g. I know I'm gonna be designing, so Gimp/Inkscape/Scribus are in my
near future. I can wave my wand and say "Font-o-noisia-vanescere!" and —
Poof! — a sane environment. I can then use whatever font manager to prepare
specific fonts I want installed and start working.
It's not that I want to micro-manage fonts per application really. That
would suck. I simply want a quieter, shorter list of them for certain kinds
of work.)
> ~/.fonts is deprecated (do your bit to help reduce dotfile clutter!),
> you should use ~/.local/share/fonts instead.
I will begin to alter my assumptions in code right away. Is this correct?
There's a fairly tricksy cascade of if/thens in the "Environment variables"
section concerning $XDG_* variables. Is that the recipe I should follow?
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