[Fontconfig] Variable fonts redux

Jerry Casiano jerrycasiano at gmail.com
Sun Sep 17 08:40:09 UTC 2017

Alright, that makes sense.

Except that no application or selection mechanism that I can think of is
set up to handle that case...

So I'm guessing that means it will be quite a while before I even need to
worry about it.


On Sep 17, 2017 3:45 AM, "Lawrence D'Oliveiro" <ldo at geek-central.gen.nz>

On Sun, 17 Sep 2017 02:42:13 -0400, Jerry Casiano wrote:

> Also, does this mean that a font such as Voto Serif GX will list 500
> different variations in a font selector dialog?

Variations are continuous along one or more axes. So you show something
like a slider for each axis, and let the user choose the variation
value. Typically you get no more than 2-3 axes per font.
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