[Fontconfig] [SOLVED] Conflict with multiple fontconfig instances in same process

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Thu Apr 30 11:08:59 UTC 2020

Le jeudi 30 avril 2020 à 12:19 +0200, Francesco Pretto a écrit :
> I just have a question: is 2.13.1 really the last
> stable version of fontconfig or 2.13.92 which is present in the
> release directory[3]? Official website[4] is still pointing to the
> former.

As seen here:

fedora Linux has been shipping post-2.13 snapshots since mid-2019, for
two stable system releases now (tagoh is fontconfig’s Akira Tagoh)

That tells me 2.14 has been due for quite a long time. However,
releasing is probably quite a lot of work.


Nicolas Mailhot

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