fontconfig: Branch 'main' - 2 commits

GitLab Mirror gitlab-mirror at
Fri Nov 22 12:52:48 UTC 2024

 fc-case/ |   74 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 3bb79f0a4ac7977942d75a16a9e7ac9cb353509d
Merge: 6e1081d 2bb54d3
Author: Akira TAGOH <akira at>
Date:   Fri Nov 22 12:52:46 2024 +0000

    Merge branch 'issues/433' into 'main'
    fc-case: Correct the license header of fccase.h
    Closes #433
    See merge request fontconfig/fontconfig!347

commit 2bb54d3b815d9932ed57d875b3077c1c7a4d767d
Author: Akira TAGOH <akira at>
Date:   Fri Nov 22 19:49:27 2024 +0900

    fc-case: Correct the license header of fccase.h
    fccase.h is generated against CaseFolding.txt from
    All the data available in this file should be licensed under
    a terms of use

diff --git a/fc-case/ b/fc-case/
index 360bd32..be808b3 100755
--- a/fc-case/
+++ b/fc-case/
@@ -28,29 +28,32 @@ import argparse
 import string
 import sys
 class CaseFoldClass(Enum):
     COMMON = 1
     FULL = 2
     SIMPLE = 3
     TURKIC = 4
 class CaseFoldMethod(Enum):
     RANGE = 0
     EVEN_ODD = 1
     FULL = 2
 caseFoldClassMap = {
-  'C' : CaseFoldClass.COMMON,
-  'F' : CaseFoldClass.FULL,
-  'S' : CaseFoldClass.SIMPLE,
-  'T' : CaseFoldClass.TURKIC
+  'C': CaseFoldClass.COMMON,
+  'F': CaseFoldClass.FULL,
+  'S': CaseFoldClass.SIMPLE,
+  'T': CaseFoldClass.TURKIC
 folds = []
 def ucs4_to_utf8(ucs4):
     utf8_rep = []
     if ucs4 < 0x80:
         bits = -6
@@ -70,17 +73,19 @@ def ucs4_to_utf8(ucs4):
         utf8_rep.append(((ucs4 >> 30) & 0x01) | 0xFC)
         bits = 24
-        return [];
+        return []
     while bits >= 0:
         utf8_rep.append(((ucs4 >> bits) & 0x3F) | 0x80)
-        bits-= 6
+        bits -= 6
     return utf8_rep
 def utf8_size(ucs4):
     return len(ucs4_to_utf8(ucs4))
 case_fold_method_name_map = {
     CaseFoldMethod.RANGE: 'FC_CASE_FOLD_RANGE,',
     CaseFoldMethod.EVEN_ODD: 'FC_CASE_FOLD_EVEN_ODD,',
@@ -115,7 +120,8 @@ if __name__=='__main__':
             tokens = line.split('; ')
             if len(tokens) < 3:
-                print('Not enough tokens in line {}'.format(cnt), file=sys.stderr)
+                print('Not enough tokens in line {}'.format(cnt),
+                      file=sys.stderr)
             # Get upper case value
@@ -125,14 +131,14 @@ if __name__=='__main__':
             cfclass = caseFoldClassMap[tokens.pop(0)]
             # Get list of result characters
-            lower = list(map(lambda s: int(s,16), tokens.pop(0).split()))
+            lower = list(map(lambda s: int(s, 16), tokens.pop(0).split()))
             # print('\t----> {:04X} {} {}'.format(upper, cfclass, lower))
             if not minFoldChar:
                 minFoldChar = upper
-            maxFoldChar = upper;
+            maxFoldChar = upper
             if cfclass in [CaseFoldClass.COMMON, CaseFoldClass.FULL]:
                 if len(lower) == 1:
@@ -146,18 +152,18 @@ if __name__=='__main__':
                     if foldExtends:
                         # This modifies the last fold item in the array too
-                        fold['count'] = upper - fold['upper'] + 1;
+                        fold['count'] = upper - fold['upper'] + 1
                         fold = {}
                         fold['upper'] = upper
-                        fold['offset'] = lower[0] - upper;
+                        fold['offset'] = lower[0] - upper
                         if fold['offset'] == 1:
                             fold['method'] = CaseFoldMethod.EVEN_ODD
                             fold['method'] = CaseFoldMethod.RANGE
                         fold['count'] = 1
-                    expand = utf8_size (lower[0]) - utf8_size(upper)
+                    expand = utf8_size(lower[0]) - utf8_size(upper)
                     fold = {}
                     fold['upper'] = upper
@@ -185,20 +191,14 @@ if __name__=='__main__':
     if args.output_file:
         sys.stdout = open(args.output_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
-    # Read the template file
-    if args.template_file:
-        tmpl_file = open(args.template_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8')
-    else:
-        tmpl_file = sys.stdin
-    # Scan the input until the marker is found
-    # FIXME: this is a bit silly really, might just as well harcode
-    #        the license header in the script and drop the template
-    for line in tmpl_file:
-        if line.strip() == '@@@':
-            break
-        print(line, end='')
+    print('/*')
+    print(' * This file was generated against CaseFolding.txt from'
+          '')
+    print(' * All the data in array is a part of them and licensed'
+          ' under a terms of use:')
+    print(' *')
+    print(' */')
+    print('')
     # Dump these tables
     print('#define FC_NUM_CASE_FOLD\t{}'.format(len(folds)))
     print('#define FC_NUM_CASE_FOLD_CHARS\t{}'.format(len(foldChars)))
@@ -211,14 +211,14 @@ if __name__=='__main__':
     # Dump out ranges
     print('static const FcCaseFold    fcCaseFold[FC_NUM_CASE_FOLD] = {')
     for f in folds:
-         short_offset = f['offset']
-         if short_offset < -32367:
-             short_offset += 65536
-         if short_offset > 32368:
-             short_offset -= 65536
-         print('    {} 0x{:08x}, {:22s} 0x{:04x}, {:6d} {},'.format('{',
-               f['upper'], case_fold_method_name_map[f['method']],
-               f['count'], short_offset, '}'))
+        short_offset = f['offset']
+        if short_offset < -32367:
+            short_offset += 65536
+        if short_offset > 32368:
+            short_offset -= 65536
+        print(f'    {{ 0x{f["upper"]:08x}, '
+              f'{case_fold_method_name_map[f["method"]]:22s} '
+              f'0x{f["count"]:04x}, {short_offset:6d} }},')
     # Dump out "other" values
@@ -233,8 +233,4 @@ if __name__=='__main__':
         print('0x{:02x}'.format(c), end=end)
-    # And flush out the rest of the input file
-    for line in tmpl_file:
-        print(line, end='')

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