[fprint] 'fprintd-verify' returns: "verify-no-match" on AES2810 (08ff:2810)
Tom Chiverton
tom+fprint at falkensweb.com
Sat Apr 27 12:23:34 PDT 2013
On Friday 26 April 2013 22:43:30 Oz Tamari wrote:
> My setup is: Gentoo, libfprint-0.5.0, fprintd-0.4.1
That was me :-)
All I can say is I made sure to enrol as large (covering the whole top to
bottom) of my finger(s) as I could.
This made verifying mcuh more reliable; about 70% of the time it'll get it on
the first swipe.
Junior Encyclopedia of Space #35:
FURBLING: Having to wander through a maze of ropes at an airport or bank
even when you are the only person in line.
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