[fprint] using libfprint with own driver ( the driver which is not included in the libfprints support)

Николай Шатохин n.shatokhin at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 05:20:10 PDT 2013

I used libfprint to recognize fingerprints at saved images. I can search
this code on my HDD.

2013/8/7 Николай Шатохин <n.shatokhin at gmail.com>

> You can add your driver into libfprint.
> 2013/8/7 rohan vichare <rohaanvichare at gmail.com>
>> Dear sir,
>> i have developed one driver to work with my USB finger print device.
>> which is working fine and i wanted to use the fantastic libfprint for the
>> image processing part can it be used with my ready image data (from driver),
>> i want to use the function like binarization, minutiae, and verify
>> please do reply and it will great if i can get any of the code reference
>> for the same,
>> Thanks & Regards
>> Rohaan
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