[fprint] 0a5c:5801 Broadcom fingerprint reader support (DELL Latitude 6440)

embar at super.lt embar at super.lt
Wed Dec 3 22:46:31 PST 2014

After disabling “CV Only Radio Mode” and enabling “Normal Radio Mode” in
Contactless Smart Card reader in Windows operating system by
instructions, output is different for
lsusb -d 0a5c:5801 -v

--- 0a5c:5801-cv_mode.txt	2014-12-04 08:29:35.428485660 +0200
+++ 0a5c:5801-normal.txt	2014-12-04 08:28:41.354909484 +0200
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
   Configuration Descriptor:
     bLength                 9
     bDescriptorType         2
-    wTotalLength          171
-    bNumInterfaces          3
+    wTotalLength          255
+    bNumInterfaces          4
     bConfigurationValue     0
     iConfiguration          0
     bmAttributes         0xe0
@@ -140,6 +140,76 @@
     Interface Descriptor:
       bLength                 9
       bDescriptorType         4
+      bInterfaceNumber        2
+      bAlternateSetting       0
+      bNumEndpoints           3
+      bInterfaceClass        11 Chip/SmartCard
+      bInterfaceSubClass      0
+      bInterfaceProtocol      0
+      iInterface              6 Contactless SmartCard
+      ChipCard Interface Descriptor:
+        bLength                54
+        bDescriptorType        33
+        bcdCCID              1.01  (Warning: Only accurate for version 1.0)
+        nMaxSlotIndex           0
+        bVoltageSupport         1  5.0V
+        dwProtocols             3  T=0 T=1
+        dwDefaultClock       3580
+        dwMaxiumumClock      3580
+        bNumClockSupported      1
+        dwDataRate           9600 bps
+        dwMaxDataRate        9600 bps
+        bNumDataRatesSupp.      1
+        dwMaxIFSD             254
+        dwSyncProtocols  00000000
+        dwMechanical     00000000
+        dwFeatures       000204BA
+          Auto configuration based on ATR
+          Auto voltage selection
+          Auto clock change
+          Auto baud rate change
+          Auto PPS made by CCID
+          Auto IFSD exchange
+          Short APDU level exchange
+        dwMaxCCIDMsgLen       512
+        bClassGetResponse      00
+        bClassEnvelope         00
+        wlcdLayout           none
+        bPINSupport             0
+        bMaxCCIDBusySlots       1
+      Endpoint Descriptor:
+        bLength                 7
+        bDescriptorType         5
+        bEndpointAddress     0x83  EP 3 IN
+        bmAttributes            2
+          Transfer Type            Bulk
+          Synch Type               None
+          Usage Type               Data
+        wMaxPacketSize     0x0040  1x 64 bytes
+        bInterval               0
+      Endpoint Descriptor:
+        bLength                 7
+        bDescriptorType         5
+        bEndpointAddress     0x03  EP 3 OUT
+        bmAttributes            2
+          Transfer Type            Bulk
+          Synch Type               None
+          Usage Type               Data
+        wMaxPacketSize     0x0040  1x 64 bytes
+        bInterval               0
+      Endpoint Descriptor:
+        bLength                 7
+        bDescriptorType         5
+        bEndpointAddress     0x87  EP 7 IN
+        bmAttributes            3
+          Transfer Type            Interrupt
+          Synch Type               None
+          Usage Type               Data
+        wMaxPacketSize     0x0010  1x 16 bytes
+        bInterval              32
+    Interface Descriptor:
+      bLength                 9
+      bDescriptorType         4
       bInterfaceNumber        3
       bAlternateSetting       0
       bNumEndpoints           1
@@ -151,7 +221,7 @@
       Endpoint Descriptor:
         bLength                 7
         bDescriptorType         5
-        bEndpointAddress     0x87  EP 7 IN
+        bEndpointAddress     0x88  EP 8 IN
         bmAttributes            3
           Transfer Type            Interrupt
           Synch Type               None

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