[fprint] aes2501 detected but not working hang on enroll

Emiliano Bonassi emiliano.bonassi at assbenaz.com
Wed Sep 21 15:38:58 UTC 2016

I’ve a problem with the latest version of libfprint on Ubuntu Xenial using an HP2710P laptop which has an aes2501 device.

The device is detected but the enroll (using anything which uses libfprint) hang and continue after approx a minute to the following step.

I’m sure that the device is ok because with another application, aes2501-wy, it works.

Can you help me to address and solve the issue?

Thanks in advance,
Emiliano Bonassi
tel     +39 349 49 93 036 <tel:++39+349+49+93+036>
e-mail  emiliano.bonassi at assbenaz.com <mailto:emiliano.bonassi at assbenaz.com>
google  emiliano bonassi <https://www.google.it/#q=emiliano+bonassi>

Assbenaz di Emiliano Bonassi
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