[fprint] Microsoft Modern Keyboard with Fingerprint ID

Bastien Nocera hadess at hadess.net
Fri May 11 11:13:19 UTC 2018

On Thu, 2018-05-10 at 20:54 +0200, Julien Nicoulaud wrote:
> Hi,
> The supported devices list
> (https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/fprint/libfprint/Supported
> _devices/)
> has "MicrosoftKeyboard with Fingerprint Reader" as supported, but it
> also says "Last edited Fri 13 Sep 2013", so I'm not sure...

That was a wired USB keyboard. I'm pretty sure it looked like this:

> Is this keyboard supported ?
> https://www.microsoft.com/accessories/en-us/products/keyboards/microsoft-modern-keyboard-with-fingerprint-id

This is a Bluetooth/USB keyboard, likely a completely different one. I
have no idea how the Bluetooth fingerprint reader would work, but it's
something I'll keep in mind while adding support for more than just USB
devices to libfprint.


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