<div dir="ltr">I've got the new Samsung Notebook 9 (model NP900X3N-K04US). I'd like to get the fingerprint reader working in linux, but it looks like a new device.  fprint-enroll doesn't recognise it and I don't see it listed on the Supported Devices page.<div><br></div><div>Below is the lsusb -v for the device, please let me know what extra you'd like to see.</div><div><div><br></div><div>I'm using Fedora 25.</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks,</div><div>Richard</div></div><div><br></div><div><div><div>Bus 001 Device 004: ID 04e8:7301 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd </div><div>Device Descriptor:</div><div> bLength         18</div><div> bDescriptorType     1</div><div> bcdUSB        2.00</div><div> bDeviceClass       0 </div><div> bDeviceSubClass     0 </div><div> bDeviceProtocol     0 </div><div> bMaxPacketSize0     8</div><div> idVendor      0x04e8 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd</div><div> idProduct      0x7301 </div><div> bcdDevice       0.00</div><div> iManufacturer      1 Samsung</div><div> iProduct         2 Fingerprint Device</div><div> iSerial         0 </div><div> bNumConfigurations    1</div><div> Configuration Descriptor:</div><div>  bLength         9</div><div>  bDescriptorType     2</div><div>  wTotalLength      39</div><div>  bNumInterfaces      1</div><div>  bConfigurationValue   1</div><div>  iConfiguration      0 </div><div>  bmAttributes     0xe0</div><div>   Self Powered</div><div>   Remote Wakeup</div><div>  MaxPower        100mA</div><div>  Interface Descriptor:</div><div>   bLength         9</div><div>   bDescriptorType     4</div><div>   bInterfaceNumber     0</div><div>   bAlternateSetting    0</div><div>   bNumEndpoints      3</div><div>   bInterfaceClass    255 Vendor Specific Class</div><div>   bInterfaceSubClass    2 </div><div>   bInterfaceProtocol    0 </div><div>   iInterface        0 </div><div>   Endpoint Descriptor:</div><div>    bLength         7</div><div>    bDescriptorType     5</div><div>    bEndpointAddress   0x01  EP 1 OUT</div><div>    bmAttributes       2</div><div>     Transfer Type       Bulk</div><div>     Synch Type        None</div><div>     Usage Type        Data</div><div>    wMaxPacketSize   0x0040  1x 64 bytes</div><div>    bInterval        0</div><div>   Endpoint Descriptor:</div><div>    bLength         7</div><div>    bDescriptorType     5</div><div>    bEndpointAddress   0x82  EP 2 IN</div><div>    bmAttributes       2</div><div>     Transfer Type       Bulk</div><div>     Synch Type        None</div><div>     Usage Type        Data</div><div>    wMaxPacketSize   0x0040  1x 64 bytes</div><div>    bInterval        0</div><div>   Endpoint Descriptor:</div><div>    bLength         7</div><div>    bDescriptorType     5</div><div>    bEndpointAddress   0x83  EP 3 IN</div><div>    bmAttributes       3</div><div>     Transfer Type       Interrupt</div><div>     Synch Type        None</div><div>     Usage Type        Data</div><div>    wMaxPacketSize   0x0040  1x 64 bytes</div><div>    bInterval        10</div><div>Device Status:   0x0001</div><div> Self Powered</div></div></div><div><br></div></div>