[fdo] .desktop .menu and icons with autotools

Jean Parpaillon artefact at altern.org
Fri Jun 30 01:01:13 PDT 2006

Hi all,
I want to manage .desktop, .menu and icon files of a project (Wormux) 
with autotools. Does it exist some doc about this ?
I had a look at Amarok sources and I could install the .desktop with the 
following in my Makefile.am :
xdg_appsdir = $(datadir)/applications
xdg_apps_DATA = wormux.desktop

Are there some similar variables for icons and .menu files ?
Furthermore I saw on some Gnome projects that the .desktop translations 
are managed with gettext. Is there a standard way to do this ?

Thank you very much.


/ Il ne se produit rien dans la nature    \
| qui puisse lui être attribué comme un |
| vice inhérent ; car la nature est      |
| toujours la même et partout sa         |
| puissance d'agir est une et identique.  |
\ -+- Spinoza -+-                         /
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                ||     ||

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