[fdo] Xephyr launches with wrong resolution

Ron Eggler ron.eggler at ecoation.com
Fri Dec 18 17:42:17 UTC 2020


I want to launch a Xephyr session to display a UI at 1280x720.
I'm using the following command to launch Xephyr on screen :99

Xephyr -br -ac -screen 1280×720 :99

which starts and brings up a Xephyr window but it comes up with a 
resolution of 640x480.
If I then follow up, with iterating through the below resolutions, the 
command on the bottom, will bring up Xephyr with the correct resolution:

Xephyr -br -ac -screen 800x600 :99
Xephyr -br -ac -screen 1024x768 :99
Xephyr -br -ac -screen 1280x720 :99

I'm wondering what is up with that and what the reason is why the 
initial command doesn't work as expected?

Thank you,


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