[Freedreno] Freedreno on i.MX53

Martin Fuzzey mfuzzey at parkeon.com
Fri Jul 31 04:02:02 PDT 2015

On 30/07/15 20:14, Ilia Mirkin wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 1:32 PM, Martin Fuzzey <mfuzzey at parkeon.com> wrote:
>> Comparing with the command stream from the blob driver is complicated by the
>> blob driver using the hardware binning commands.
> At least on a3xx/a4xx you can disable binning (and texture tiling)
> with a few statements in an adreno_config.txt file in the cwd.
> binning=sw
> textureTiling=0
> That should match things up better if the a2xx driver uses the same things.

Thanks for that.

My blob uses "yamato_panel.txt" as the config file and understands 
"binning=sw" but not "textureTiling" (and strings doesn't show anything 

Interestingly, while  using that does make the binning more like the 
freedreno way (there's no longer an initial "binning shader" and there 
is now a DRAW_INDX per tile) the VGT_CURRENT_BIN_ID_MIN/MAX registers 
are still being set and CP_DRAW_INDX_BIN commands are still being issued.

I'll have to do some more digging to see if this is important..


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