[Freedreno] [GSoC-15] Enabling Freedreno on Android

Varad Gautam varadgautam at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 12:21:27 PDT 2015

On 03/16/2015 11:59 PM, Emil Velikov wrote:
> On 16/03/15 16:11, Rob Clark wrote:
>>   1) hwcompositor support to use drm/kms planes to composite layers
>> using the display controller instead of gpu..  there has been work
>> happening on the kernel side (the new atomic[3] support).  The msm
>> drm/kms driver already supports atomic, so this seems like a pretty
>> logical next-step once the basics work
> The current intel/hwcomposer [2] implements API 1.0 (not sure if it's
> complete or not) and uses drm_gralloc + eglSwapBuffers. Afaict the code
> is generic and should apply for others - freedreno, nouveau...

After some digging around, I realize there are some
implemented-but-untested bits lying around (freedreno drm_gralloc, for
instance) which I could put together and try out - so I'll begin here.
intel/hwcomposer that Emil mentioned [1] looks suitable to start with.
After fixing anything that comes up, I can target hwcomposer to involve
the MSM KMS backend. This looks well documented at [2], and I wonder if
it's already being worked on - it seems pretty interesting.

I also came across the panel framework [3][4] which could come in handy
for doing DSI support.

I am looking into atomic patches and how they would fit in, and will
have an ifc6410 to play around with in a couple of days. In the
meantime, I'll get a proposal ready focusing on integrating drm_gralloc
followed by implementing KMS based hwcomposer.

[2] https://wiki.linaro.org/WorkingGroups/Middleware/Graphics/HwcKms
[3] http://lwn.net/Articles/512363/
[4] http://lwn.net/Articles/526965/


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