[Freedreno] [early pull] drm/msm: drm-msm-next-2021-07-28 for v5.15

Caleb Connolly caleb.connolly at linaro.org
Thu Jul 29 02:18:08 UTC 2021

On 29/07/2021 02:02, Rob Clark wrote:
> Jordan, any idea if more frequent frequency changes would for some
> reason make a630 grumpy?  I was expecting it should be somewhat
> similar to a618 (same GMU fw, etc).  The main result of that patch
> should be clamping to min freq when gpu goes idle, and the toggling
> back to devfreq provided freq on idle->active transition.  So there
> might be more frequent freq transitions.
> Caleb, I don't suppose you could somehow delay starting UI and get
> some traces?  Something along the lines of:
>    localhost ~ # cd /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/
>    localhost /sys/kernel/debug/tracing # echo 1 > events/drm_msm_gpu/enable
>    localhost /sys/kernel/debug/tracing # echo 1 > tracing_on
>    localhost /sys/kernel/debug/tracing # cat trace_pipe
Sure, here's the last ~1k lines of the trace logs: 
And what I managed to get from dmesg before the crash (mostly the same 
as before): https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kGVtRHDWKH/
> Does adding an 'if (1) return' at the top of msm_devfreq_idle() help?
> That should bypass the clamping to min freq when the GPU isn't doing
> anything and reduce the # of freq transitions.  I suppose we could
> opt-in to this behavior on a per-gpu basis..
Yeah, that seems to resolve the issue, although I got the following 
probably unrelated (?) error on rebooting the device:
[  134.994449] [drm:dpu_encoder_vsync_event_handler:1749] [dpu 
error]invalid parameters

I wonder if the PocoPhone F1 has the same problem...
> BR,
> -R
> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 5:35 PM Caleb Connolly
> <caleb.connolly at linaro.org> wrote:
>> Hi Rob,
>> This series causes a fatal crash on my Oneplus 6, the device goes to
>> Qualcomm crashdump mode shortly after reaching UI with the following errors:
>> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HvjmzZYtgw/
>> I did a git bisect and the patch ("drm/msm: Devfreq tuning") seems to be
>> the cause of the crash, reverting it resolves the issue.
>> On 28/07/2021 21:52, Rob Clark wrote:
>>> Hi Dave & Daniel,
>>> An early pull for v5.15 (there'll be more coming in a week or two),
>>> consisting of the drm/scheduler conversion and a couple other small
>>> series that one was based one.  Mostly sending this now because IIUC
>>> danvet wanted it in drm-next so he could rebase on it.  (Daniel, if
>>> you disagree then speak up, and I'll instead include this in the main
>>> pull request once that is ready.)
>>> This also has a core patch to drop drm_gem_object_put_locked() now
>>> that the last use of it is removed.
>>> The following changes since commit ff1176468d368232b684f75e82563369208bc371:
>>>     Linux 5.14-rc3 (2021-07-25 15:35:14 -0700)
>>> are available in the Git repository at:
>>>     https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/msm.git drm-msm-next-2021-07-28
>>> for you to fetch changes up to 4541e4f2225c30b0e9442be9eb2fb8b7086cdd1f:
>>>     drm/msm/gem: Mark active before pinning (2021-07-28 09:19:00 -0700)
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Rob Clark (18):
>>>         drm/msm: Let fences read directly from memptrs
>>>         drm/msm: Signal fences sooner
>>>         drm/msm: Split out devfreq handling
>>>         drm/msm: Split out get_freq() helper
>>>         drm/msm: Devfreq tuning
>>>         drm/msm: Docs and misc cleanup
>>>         drm/msm: Small submitqueue creation cleanup
>>>         drm/msm: drop drm_gem_object_put_locked()
>>>         drm: Drop drm_gem_object_put_locked()
>>>         drm/msm/submit: Simplify out-fence-fd handling
>>>         drm/msm: Consolidate submit bo state
>>>         drm/msm: Track "seqno" fences by idr
>>>         drm/msm: Return ERR_PTR() from submit_create()
>>>         drm/msm: Conversion to drm scheduler
>>>         drm/msm: Drop submit bo_list
>>>         drm/msm: Drop struct_mutex in submit path
>>>         drm/msm: Utilize gpu scheduler priorities
>>>         drm/msm/gem: Mark active before pinning
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/drm_gem.c                   |  22 --
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/Kconfig                 |   1 +
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/Makefile                |   1 +
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/adreno/a5xx_debugfs.c   |   4 +-
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/adreno/a5xx_gpu.c       |   6 +-
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/adreno/a5xx_power.c     |   2 +-
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/adreno/a5xx_preempt.c   |   7 +-
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/adreno/a6xx_gmu.c       |  12 +-
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/adreno/a6xx_gpu.c       |   6 +-
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/adreno/a6xx_gpu_state.c |   4 +-
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/adreno/adreno_gpu.c     |   6 +-
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/msm_drv.c               |  30 ++-
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/msm_fence.c             |  53 +----
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/msm_fence.h             |  44 +++-
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/msm_gem.c               |  94 +-------
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/msm_gem.h               |  47 ++--
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/msm_gem_submit.c        | 344 +++++++++++++++++-----------
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/msm_gpu.c               | 220 ++++--------------
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/msm_gpu.h               | 139 ++++++++++-
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/msm_gpu_devfreq.c       | 203 ++++++++++++++++
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/msm_rd.c                |   6 +-
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/msm_ringbuffer.c        |  69 +++++-
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/msm_ringbuffer.h        |  12 +
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/msm_submitqueue.c       |  53 +++--
>>>    include/drm/drm_gem.h                       |   2 -
>>>    include/uapi/drm/msm_drm.h                  |  14 +-
>>>    26 files changed, 865 insertions(+), 536 deletions(-)
>>>    create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/msm/msm_gpu_devfreq.c
>> --
>> Kind Regards,
>> Caleb (they/them)

Kind Regards,
Caleb (they/them)

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