[Freedreno] [PATCH v7 2/4] drm/msm/dp: Support only IRQ_HPD and REPLUG interrupts for eDP

Doug Anderson dianders at chromium.org
Thu Apr 14 16:39:36 UTC 2022


On Thu, Apr 14, 2022 at 5:20 AM Sankeerth Billakanti
<quic_sbillaka at quicinc.com> wrote:
> The panel-edp enables the eDP panel power during probe, get_modes
> and enable.

Technically the panel-edp powers on the panel in pre_enable()

> The eDP connect and disconnect interrupts for the eDP/DP
> controller are directly dependent on panel power. As eDP display can be
> assumed as always connected, the controller driver can skip the eDP
> connect and disconnect interrupts. Any disruption in the link status
> will be indicated via the IRQ_HPD interrupts.
> So, the eDP controller driver can just enable the IRQ_HPD and replug
> interrupts. The DP controller driver still needs to enable all the
> interrupts.
> Signed-off-by: Sankeerth Billakanti <quic_sbillaka at quicinc.com>
> ---
> Changes in v7:
>   - reordered the patch in the series
>   - modified the return statement for isr
>   - connector check modified to just check for eDP
>  drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dp/dp_catalog.c |  9 +++------
>  drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dp/dp_display.c | 22 +++++++++++++++++++++-
>  2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dp/dp_catalog.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dp/dp_catalog.c
> index fac815f..07f2389 100644
> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dp/dp_catalog.c
> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dp/dp_catalog.c
> @@ -569,10 +569,6 @@ void dp_catalog_ctrl_hpd_config(struct dp_catalog *dp_catalog)
>         u32 reftimer = dp_read_aux(catalog, REG_DP_DP_HPD_REFTIMER);
> -       /* enable HPD plug and unplug interrupts */
> -       dp_catalog_hpd_config_intr(dp_catalog,
> -               DP_DP_HPD_PLUG_INT_MASK | DP_DP_HPD_UNPLUG_INT_MASK, true);
> -
>         /* Configure REFTIMER and enable it */
>         reftimer |= DP_DP_HPD_REFTIMER_ENABLE;
>         dp_write_aux(catalog, REG_DP_DP_HPD_REFTIMER, reftimer);
> @@ -599,13 +595,14 @@ u32 dp_catalog_hpd_get_intr_status(struct dp_catalog *dp_catalog)
>  {
>         struct dp_catalog_private *catalog = container_of(dp_catalog,
>                                 struct dp_catalog_private, dp_catalog);
> -       int isr = 0;
> +       int isr, mask;
>         isr = dp_read_aux(catalog, REG_DP_DP_HPD_INT_STATUS);
>         dp_write_aux(catalog, REG_DP_DP_HPD_INT_ACK,
>                                  (isr & DP_DP_HPD_INT_MASK));
> +       mask = dp_read_aux(catalog, REG_DP_DP_HPD_INT_MASK);
> -       return isr;
> +       return isr & (mask | ~DP_DP_HPD_INT_MASK);

Please add a comment above this explaining what the goal of the above
statement is. I guess it's something like this, though you might want
to modify it to remove snark and insert the real reason unless you
like being snarky:

   * Report the raw status of all interrupts (AKA we still report the
   * interrupt as asserted even if it's masked) _except_ for HPD-related.
   * interrupts. We only report HPD-related interrupts if they're
   * unmasked. We do it this way because we thought it would be extra
   * confusing for readers of this code and we were bribed by Mordac to
   * confuse you.  OK, maybe that's not true. We actually do it this way
   * because of <insert your compelling reason here>.

Along the same lines as my comments in patch #1, I don't have a great
feel for exactly when the various HPD bits are enabled / disabled and
it feels like it need to be made super obvious / well documented. That
being said, I'd be OK w/ that happening in the proposed cleanup.


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