[Freedreno] [PATCH 1/5] drm/msm/dsi: add support for DSI-PHY on SM8350 and SM8450

Abhinav Kumar quic_abhinavk at quicinc.com
Wed Nov 16 07:07:50 UTC 2022

On 11/7/2022 3:02 PM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
> On 07/11/2022 07:27, Abhinav Kumar wrote:
>> On 9/22/2022 4:30 AM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
>>> SM8350 and SM8450 use 5nm DSI PHYs, which share register definitions
>>> with 7nm DSI PHYs. Rather than duplicating the driver, handle 5nm
>>> variants inside the common 5+7nm driver.
>> I do realize that there is common code across PHYs but i am concerned 
>> about this type of unification of phy drivers.
> This more or less follows downstream, which has unifier v4.0 driver.

Ack, I just observed the same. Thanks for the pointer.
Its still prone to sequencing issues though. But for now, this is okay.

>> If we have features which are PHY sequence dependent such as ULPS, 
>> this will just complicate things for us.
> During development we initially tried to create a separate 5nm driver. 
> However this resulted in huuuge code duplication. This would be prone to 
> significant amount of errors if we change one of the drivers at some 
> point and not another one.
>> Also some PHY registers might get added some might get removed across 
>> chipsets as this is the most frequently changed component.
> Yes, I completely agree here. However beforehand we have successfully 
> managed to have per-generation drivers, handling minor differences with 
> quirks.

I kind of agree with Konrad's earlier comment that "QUIRK" is really not 
the right naming for this. Its actually different phy sub-versions.

A cleanup is needed to change or move away from quirk terminology for this.

>> Even in this patch, I see this added to dsi_7nm_phy_disable()
>>  > +    /* Turn off REFGEN Vote */
>>  > +        dsi_phy_write(base + 
>>  > +        wmb();
>>  > +        /* Delay to ensure HW removes vote before PHY shut down */
>>  > +        udelay(2);
>>  > +
>> What would be the impact of writing this for the existing 7nm PHY?
> Let's probably guard this with the v4.3 check.

hmmm, i see that in downstream also we are doing this for 7nm and 5nm 
PHYs. I am now wondering whether a write to 0 along with the 2 microsec 
delay was just missed out while writing the 7nm PHY. If so, can you move 
that to a separate patch instead of this one as a "fix". Adding it to 
this patch creates an impression that this is specific to the 5nm 
changes but seems like they arent.

>> I am having some access issues to check the software interface so 
>> wanted to check.
> I don't remember having any issues on RB5, but I did not run any special 
> checks.

When I meant access issues, I meant some permissions issue internally 
for accessing software register documentation not register access issues 
on the device :)

>>> Co-developed-by: Robert Foss <robert.foss at linaro.org>
>>> Signed-off-by: Dmitry Baryshkov <dmitry.baryshkov at linaro.org>
>>> ---
>>>   drivers/gpu/drm/msm/Kconfig               |   6 +-
>>>   drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/phy/dsi_phy.c     |   4 +
>>>   drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/phy/dsi_phy.h     |   2 +
>>>   drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/phy/dsi_phy_7nm.c | 132 ++++++++++++++++++++--
>>>   4 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/Kconfig b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/Kconfig
>>> index 4e0cbd682725..e6c5dfbad009 100644
>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/Kconfig
>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/Kconfig
>>> @@ -140,12 +140,12 @@ config DRM_MSM_DSI_10NM_PHY
>>>         Choose this option if DSI PHY on SDM845 is used on the platform.
>>>   config DRM_MSM_DSI_7NM_PHY
>>> -    bool "Enable DSI 7nm PHY driver in MSM DRM"
>>> +    bool "Enable DSI 7nm/5nm PHY driver in MSM DRM"
>>>       depends on DRM_MSM_DSI
>>>       default y
>>>       help
>>> -      Choose this option if DSI PHY on SM8150/SM8250/SC7280 is used on
>>> -      the platform.
>>> +      Choose this option if DSI PHY on 
>>> SM8150/SM8250/SM8350/SM8450/SC7280
>>> +      is used on the platform.
>>>   config DRM_MSM_HDMI
>>>       bool "Enable HDMI support in MSM DRM driver"
>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/phy/dsi_phy.c 
>>> b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/phy/dsi_phy.c
>>> index 7fc0975cb869..97cf6b8b34cc 100644
>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/phy/dsi_phy.c
>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/phy/dsi_phy.c
>>> @@ -567,6 +567,10 @@ static const struct of_device_id 
>>> dsi_phy_dt_match[] = {
>>>         .data = &dsi_phy_7nm_8150_cfgs },
>>>       { .compatible = "qcom,sc7280-dsi-phy-7nm",
>>>         .data = &dsi_phy_7nm_7280_cfgs },
>>> +    { .compatible = "qcom,dsi-phy-5nm-8350",
>>> +      .data = &dsi_phy_5nm_8350_cfgs },
>>> +    { .compatible = "qcom,dsi-phy-5nm-8450",
>>> +      .data = &dsi_phy_5nm_8450_cfgs },
>>>   #endif
>>>       {}
>>>   };
>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/phy/dsi_phy.h 
>>> b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/phy/dsi_phy.h
>>> index 60a99c6525b2..654cbfa14d6e 100644
>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/phy/dsi_phy.h
>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/phy/dsi_phy.h
>>> @@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ extern const struct msm_dsi_phy_cfg 
>>> dsi_phy_10nm_8998_cfgs;
>>>   extern const struct msm_dsi_phy_cfg dsi_phy_7nm_cfgs;
>>>   extern const struct msm_dsi_phy_cfg dsi_phy_7nm_8150_cfgs;
>>>   extern const struct msm_dsi_phy_cfg dsi_phy_7nm_7280_cfgs;
>>> +extern const struct msm_dsi_phy_cfg dsi_phy_5nm_8350_cfgs;
>>> +extern const struct msm_dsi_phy_cfg dsi_phy_5nm_8450_cfgs;
>>>   struct msm_dsi_dphy_timing {
>>>       u32 clk_zero;
>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/phy/dsi_phy_7nm.c 
>>> b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/phy/dsi_phy_7nm.c
>>> index 9e7fa7d88ead..1696ff150b9e 100644
>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/phy/dsi_phy_7nm.c
>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/phy/dsi_phy_7nm.c
>>> @@ -39,8 +39,14 @@
>>>   #define VCO_REF_CLK_RATE        19200000
>>>   #define FRAC_BITS 18
>>> +/* Hardware is pre V4.1 */
>>> +#define DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_PRE_V4_1    BIT(0)
>>>   /* Hardware is V4.1 */
>>> -#define DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_V4_1        BIT(0)
>>> +#define DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_V4_1        BIT(1)
>>> +/* Hardware is V4.2 */
>>> +#define DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_V4_2        BIT(2)
>>> +/* Hardware is V4.3 */
>>> +#define DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_V4_3        BIT(3)
>>>   struct dsi_pll_config {
>>>       bool enable_ssc;
>>> @@ -116,7 +122,7 @@ static void dsi_pll_calc_dec_frac(struct 
>>> dsi_pll_7nm *pll, struct dsi_pll_config
>>>       dec_multiple = div_u64(pll_freq * multiplier, divider);
>>>       dec = div_u64_rem(dec_multiple, multiplier, &frac);
>>> -    if (!(pll->phy->cfg->quirks & DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_V4_1))
>>> +    if (pll->phy->cfg->quirks & DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_PRE_V4_1)
>>>           config->pll_clock_inverters = 0x28;
>>>       else if (pll_freq <= 1000000000ULL)
>>>           config->pll_clock_inverters = 0xa0;
>>> @@ -197,16 +203,25 @@ static void dsi_pll_config_hzindep_reg(struct 
>>> dsi_pll_7nm *pll)
>>>       void __iomem *base = pll->phy->pll_base;
>>>       u8 analog_controls_five_1 = 0x01, vco_config_1 = 0x00;
>>> -    if (pll->phy->cfg->quirks & DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_V4_1) {
>>> +    if (!(pll->phy->cfg->quirks & DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_PRE_V4_1))
>>>           if (pll->vco_current_rate >= 3100000000ULL)
>>>               analog_controls_five_1 = 0x03;
>>> +    if (pll->phy->cfg->quirks & DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_V4_1) {
>>>           if (pll->vco_current_rate < 1520000000ULL)
>>>               vco_config_1 = 0x08;
>>>           else if (pll->vco_current_rate < 2990000000ULL)
>>>               vco_config_1 = 0x01;
>>>       }
>>> +    if ((pll->phy->cfg->quirks & DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_V4_2) ||
>>> +        (pll->phy->cfg->quirks & DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_V4_3)) {
>>> +        if (pll->vco_current_rate < 1520000000ULL)
>>> +            vco_config_1 = 0x08;
>>> +        else if (pll->vco_current_rate >= 2990000000ULL)
>>> +            vco_config_1 = 0x01;
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>>       dsi_phy_write(base + REG_DSI_7nm_PHY_PLL_ANALOG_CONTROLS_FIVE_1,
>>>                 analog_controls_five_1);
>>>       dsi_phy_write(base + REG_DSI_7nm_PHY_PLL_VCO_CONFIG_1, 
>>> vco_config_1);
>>> @@ -231,9 +246,9 @@ static void dsi_pll_config_hzindep_reg(struct 
>>> dsi_pll_7nm *pll)
>>>       dsi_phy_write(base + REG_DSI_7nm_PHY_PLL_PFILT, 0x2f);
>>>       dsi_phy_write(base + REG_DSI_7nm_PHY_PLL_IFILT, 0x2a);
>>>       dsi_phy_write(base + REG_DSI_7nm_PHY_PLL_IFILT,
>>> -          pll->phy->cfg->quirks & DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_V4_1 ? 0x3f : 
>>> 0x22);
>>> +          !(pll->phy->cfg->quirks & DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_PRE_V4_1) ? 
>>> 0x3f : 0x22);
>>> -    if (pll->phy->cfg->quirks & DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_V4_1) {
>>> +    if (!(pll->phy->cfg->quirks & DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_PRE_V4_1)) {
>>>           dsi_phy_write(base + REG_DSI_7nm_PHY_PLL_PERF_OPTIMIZE, 0x22);
>>>           if (pll->slave)
>>>               dsi_phy_write(pll->slave->phy->pll_base + 
>>> @@ -788,7 +803,7 @@ static void dsi_phy_hw_v4_0_lane_settings(struct 
>>> msm_dsi_phy *phy)
>>>       const u8 *tx_dctrl = tx_dctrl_0;
>>>       void __iomem *lane_base = phy->lane_base;
>>> -    if (phy->cfg->quirks & DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_V4_1)
>>> +    if (!(phy->cfg->quirks & DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_PRE_V4_1))
>>>           tx_dctrl = tx_dctrl_1;
>>>       /* Strength ctrl settings */
>>> @@ -844,6 +859,12 @@ static int dsi_7nm_phy_enable(struct msm_dsi_phy 
>>> *phy,
>>>       if (dsi_phy_hw_v4_0_is_pll_on(phy))
>>>           pr_warn("PLL turned on before configuring PHY\n");
>>> +    /* Request for REFGEN READY */
>>> +    if (phy->cfg->quirks & DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_V4_3) {
>>> +        dsi_phy_write(phy->base + 
>>> +        udelay(500);
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>>       /* wait for REFGEN READY */
>>>       ret = readl_poll_timeout_atomic(base + 
>>>                       status, (status & BIT(0)),
>>> @@ -858,23 +879,53 @@ static int dsi_7nm_phy_enable(struct 
>>> msm_dsi_phy *phy,
>>>       /* Alter PHY configurations if data rate less than 1.5GHZ*/
>>>       less_than_1500_mhz = (clk_req->bitclk_rate <= 1500000000);
>>> -    if (phy->cfg->quirks & DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_V4_1) {
>>> -        vreg_ctrl_0 = less_than_1500_mhz ? 0x53 : 0x52;
>>> +    if (phy->cfg->quirks & DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_V4_3) {
>>> +        if (phy->cphy_mode) {
>>> +            vreg_ctrl_0 = 0x51;
>>> +            glbl_rescode_top_ctrl = less_than_1500_mhz ? 0x3d :  0x01;
>>> +            glbl_rescode_bot_ctrl = less_than_1500_mhz ? 0x38 :  0x3b;
>>> +            glbl_str_swi_cal_sel_ctrl = 0x00;
>>> +            glbl_hstx_str_ctrl_0 = 0x00;
>>> +        } else {
>>> +            vreg_ctrl_0 = less_than_1500_mhz ? 0x53 : 0x52;
>>> +            glbl_rescode_top_ctrl = less_than_1500_mhz ? 0x3d :  0x01;
>>> +            glbl_rescode_bot_ctrl = less_than_1500_mhz ? 0x38 :  0x39;
>>> +            glbl_str_swi_cal_sel_ctrl = 0x00;
>>> +            glbl_hstx_str_ctrl_0 = 0x88;
>>> +        }
>>> +    } else if (phy->cfg->quirks & DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_V4_2) {
>>> +        if (phy->cphy_mode) {
>>> +            vreg_ctrl_0 = 0x51;
>>> +            glbl_rescode_top_ctrl = less_than_1500_mhz ? 0x3d :  0x01;
>>> +            glbl_rescode_bot_ctrl = less_than_1500_mhz ? 0x38 :  0x3b;
>>> +            glbl_str_swi_cal_sel_ctrl = 0x00;
>>> +            glbl_hstx_str_ctrl_0 = 0x00;
>>> +        } else {
>>> +            vreg_ctrl_0 = less_than_1500_mhz ? 0x53 : 0x52;
>>> +            glbl_rescode_top_ctrl = less_than_1500_mhz ? 0x3c :  0x00;
>>> +            glbl_rescode_bot_ctrl = less_than_1500_mhz ? 0x38 :  0x39;
>>> +            glbl_str_swi_cal_sel_ctrl = 0x00;
>>> +            glbl_hstx_str_ctrl_0 = 0x88;
>>> +        }
>>> +    } else if (phy->cfg->quirks & DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_V4_1) {
>>>           if (phy->cphy_mode) {
>>> +            vreg_ctrl_0 = 0x51;
>>>               glbl_rescode_top_ctrl = 0x00;
>>>               glbl_rescode_bot_ctrl = 0x3c;
>>>           } else {
>>> +            vreg_ctrl_0 = less_than_1500_mhz ? 0x53 : 0x52;
>>>               glbl_rescode_top_ctrl = less_than_1500_mhz ? 0x3d :  0x00;
>>>               glbl_rescode_bot_ctrl = less_than_1500_mhz ? 0x39 :  0x3c;
>>>           }
>>>           glbl_str_swi_cal_sel_ctrl = 0x00;
>>>           glbl_hstx_str_ctrl_0 = 0x88;
>>>       } else {
>>> -        vreg_ctrl_0 = less_than_1500_mhz ? 0x5B : 0x59;
>>>           if (phy->cphy_mode) {
>>> +            vreg_ctrl_0 = 0x51;
>>>               glbl_str_swi_cal_sel_ctrl = 0x03;
>>>               glbl_hstx_str_ctrl_0 = 0x66;
>>>           } else {
>>> +            vreg_ctrl_0 = less_than_1500_mhz ? 0x5B : 0x59;
>>>               glbl_str_swi_cal_sel_ctrl = less_than_1500_mhz ? 0x03 : 
>>> 0x00;
>>>               glbl_hstx_str_ctrl_0 = less_than_1500_mhz ? 0x66 : 0x88;
>>>           }
>>> @@ -883,7 +934,6 @@ static int dsi_7nm_phy_enable(struct msm_dsi_phy 
>>> *phy,
>>>       }
>>>       if (phy->cphy_mode) {
>>> -        vreg_ctrl_0 = 0x51;
>>>           vreg_ctrl_1 = 0x55;
>>>           glbl_pemph_ctrl_0 = 0x11;
>>>           lane_ctrl0 = 0x17;
> So far this is the largest chunk to handle the difference between 
> platforms. And I think it was a mess even before we tried adding the 
> 4.2/4.3 versions.

A cleaner way to handle this would be to have separate _phy_enable() 
calls for DPHY and CPHY to clear out this mess.

Add a "phy_type" to the phy_cfg which shall decide which phy call gets 
executed (an idea derived from the downstream phy).

I am not sure if you want to absorb that change in this series but if 
you do it will be a welcome cleanup otherwise we will keep compounding 
the mess.

>>> @@ -1017,6 +1067,13 @@ static void dsi_7nm_phy_disable(struct 
>>> msm_dsi_phy *phy)
>>>           pr_warn("Turning OFF PHY while PLL is on\n");
>>>       dsi_phy_hw_v4_0_config_lpcdrx(phy, false);
>>> +
>>> +    /* Turn off REFGEN Vote */
>>> +        dsi_phy_write(base + 
>>> +        wmb();
>>> +        /* Delay to ensure HW removes vote before PHY shut down */
>>> +        udelay(2);
>>> +
>>>       data = dsi_phy_read(base + REG_DSI_7nm_PHY_CMN_CTRL_0);
>>>       /* disable all lanes */
>>> @@ -1079,6 +1136,7 @@ const struct msm_dsi_phy_cfg 
>>> dsi_phy_7nm_8150_cfgs = {
>>>       .max_pll_rate = 3500000000UL,
>>>       .io_start = { 0xae94400, 0xae96400 },
>>>       .num_dsi_phy = 2,
>>> +    .quirks = DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_PRE_V4_1,
>>>   };
>>>   const struct msm_dsi_phy_cfg dsi_phy_7nm_7280_cfgs = {
>>> @@ -1102,3 +1160,57 @@ const struct msm_dsi_phy_cfg 
>>> dsi_phy_7nm_7280_cfgs = {
>>>       .num_dsi_phy = 1,
>>>       .quirks = DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_V4_1,
>>>   };
>>> +
>>> +const struct msm_dsi_phy_cfg dsi_phy_5nm_8350_cfgs = {
>>> +    .has_phy_lane = true,
>>> +    .reg_cfg = {
>>> +        .num = 1,
>>> +        .regs = {
>>> +            {"vdds", 37550, 0},
>>> +        },
>>> +    },
>>> +    .ops = {
>>> +        .enable = dsi_7nm_phy_enable,
>>> +        .disable = dsi_7nm_phy_disable,
>>> +        .pll_init = dsi_pll_7nm_init,
>>> +        .save_pll_state = dsi_7nm_pll_save_state,
>>> +        .restore_pll_state = dsi_7nm_pll_restore_state,
>>> +        .set_continuous_clock = dsi_7nm_set_continuous_clock,
>>> +    },
>>> +    .min_pll_rate = 600000000UL,
>>> +#ifdef CONFIG_64BIT
>>> +    .max_pll_rate = 5000000000UL,
>>> +#else
>>> +    .max_pll_rate = ULONG_MAX,
>>> +#endif
>>> +    .io_start = { 0xae94400, 0xae96400 },
>>> +    .num_dsi_phy = 2,
>>> +    .quirks = DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_V4_2,
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +const struct msm_dsi_phy_cfg dsi_phy_5nm_8450_cfgs = {
>>> +    .has_phy_lane = true,
>>> +    .reg_cfg = {
>>> +        .num = 1,
>>> +        .regs = {
>>> +            {"vdds", 97800, 0},
>>> +        },
>>> +    },
>>> +    .ops = {
>>> +        .enable = dsi_7nm_phy_enable,
>>> +        .disable = dsi_7nm_phy_disable,
>>> +        .pll_init = dsi_pll_7nm_init,
>>> +        .save_pll_state = dsi_7nm_pll_save_state,
>>> +        .restore_pll_state = dsi_7nm_pll_restore_state,
>>> +        .set_continuous_clock = dsi_7nm_set_continuous_clock,
>>> +    },
>>> +    .min_pll_rate = 600000000UL,
>>> +#ifdef CONFIG_64BIT
>>> +    .max_pll_rate = 5000000000UL,
>>> +#else
>>> +    .max_pll_rate = ULONG_MAX,
>>> +#endif
>>> +    .io_start = { 0xae94400, 0xae96400 },
>>> +    .num_dsi_phy = 2,
>>> +    .quirks = DSI_PHY_7NM_QUIRK_V4_3,
>>> +};

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