[Freedreno] 2023 X.Org Foundation Membership deadline extended

Ricardo Garcia rgarcia at igalia.com
Wed Apr 19 09:11:45 UTC 2023

Several people reported getting multiple membership and election emails
recently for the first time when we flushed the queue of messages which
had been unfortunately held in moderation in the events at lists.x.org
mailing list queue. Thanks Luc, Laurent and Harald for getting in touch!

Thanks to other mailing lists, we believe to have reached a wide
audience in any case. Membership numbers look good and we already have 8
candidates lined up for the upcoming voting process that was scheduled
to start this week.

Still, we believe it's fair to extend the membership application/renewal
deadline until the end of this week for those who haven't had the chance
to do so yet. The new deadline is April 23rd 23:59 UTC.

Please note that only current members can vote in the upcoming election.
If you are interested in joining the X.Org Foundation or in renewing
your membership, please visit the membership system site at:

In order not to delay the process further, however, we will not accept
new candidates. You can see the current list here:


The election will start on April 24th and end on May 1st as was
initially planned, so members will have 1 week for voting instead of 2.
Reminders will be sent throughout the election week to members at x.org.

Thanks again for your attention,
-Ricardo Garcia, on behalf of the X.Org elections committee

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