[Freedreno] [PATCH v9 0/7] incorporate pm runtime framework and eDP clean up

Kuogee Hsieh quic_khsieh at quicinc.com
Fri Dec 1 23:19:42 UTC 2023

The purpose of this patch series is to incorporate pm runtime framework
into MSM eDP/DP driver so that eDP panel can be detected by DRM eDP panel
driver during system probe time. During incorporating procedure, original
customized pm realted fucntions, such as dp_pm_prepare(), dp_pm_suspend(),
dp_pm_resume() and dp_pm_prepare(), are removed and replaced with functions
provided by pm runtiem framework such as pm_runtime_force_suspend() and
pm_runtime_force_resume(). In addition, both eDP aux-bus and irq handler
are bound at system probe time too.

Please be noted that v9 patches are rebased on top of latest msm-next branch

Kuogee Hsieh (7):
  drm/msm/dp: tie dp_display_irq_handler() with dp driver
  drm/msm/dp: rename is_connected with link_ready
  drm/msm/dp: use drm_bridge_hpd_notify() to report HPD status changes
  drm/msm/dp: move parser->parse() and dp_power_client_init() to probe
  drm/msm/dp: incorporate pm_runtime framework into DP driver
  drm/msm/dp: delete EV_HPD_INIT_SETUP
  drm/msm/dp: move of_dp_aux_populate_bus() to eDP probe()

 drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_kms.c |   4 -
 drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dp/dp_aux.c         |  39 +++-
 drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dp/dp_display.c     | 337 ++++++++++++--------------------
 drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dp/dp_display.h     |   3 +-
 drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dp/dp_drm.c         |  14 +-
 drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dp/dp_power.c       |  32 +--
 drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dp/dp_power.h       |  11 --
 drivers/gpu/drm/msm/msm_drv.h           |   5 -
 8 files changed, 166 insertions(+), 279 deletions(-)


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