[PATCH v6] drm/msm/dpu: improve DSC allocation

Kuogee Hsieh quic_khsieh at quicinc.com
Wed Dec 20 16:48:56 UTC 2023

On 12/19/2023 2:32 PM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Dec 2023 at 18:18, Kuogee Hsieh <quic_khsieh at quicinc.com> wrote:
>> Hi Dmitry,
>> Anymore comments from you?
> No, for some reason I missed this patch. Please excuse me.
>> On 12/14/2023 10:56 AM, Kuogee Hsieh wrote:
>>> At DSC V1.1 DCE (Display Compression Engine) contains a DSC encoder.
>>> However, at DSC V1.2 DCE consists of two DSC encoders, one has an odd
>>> index and another one has an even index. Each encoder can work
>>> independently. But only two DSC encoders from same DCE can be paired
>>> to work together to support DSC merge mode at DSC V1.2. For DSC V1.1
>>> two consecutive DSC encoders (start with even index) have to be paired
>>> to support DSC merge mode.  In addition, the DSC with even index have
>>> to be mapped to even PINGPONG index and DSC with odd index have to be
>>> mapped to odd PINGPONG index at its data path in regardless of DSC
>>> V1.1 or V1.2. This patch improves DSC allocation mechanism with
>>> consideration of those factors.
>>> Changes in V6:
>>> -- rename _dpu_rm_reserve_dsc_single to _dpu_rm_dsc_alloc
>>> -- rename _dpu_rm_reserve_dsc_pair to _dpu_rm_dsc_alloc_pair
>>> -- pass global_state to _dpu_rm_pingpong_next_index()
>>> -- remove pp_max
>>> -- fix for loop condition check at _dpu_rm_dsc_alloc()
>>> Changes in V5:
>>> -- delete dsc_id[]
>>> -- update to global_state->dsc_to_enc_id[] directly
>>> -- replace ndx with idx
>>> -- fix indentation at function declaration
>>> -- only one for loop at _dpu_rm_reserve_dsc_single()
>>> Changes in V4:
>>> -- rework commit message
>>> -- use reserved_by_other()
>>> -- add _dpu_rm_pingpong_next_index()
>>> -- revise _dpu_rm_pingpong_dsc_check()
>>> Changes in V3:
>>> -- add dpu_rm_pingpong_dsc_check()
>>> -- for pair allocation use i += 2 at for loop
>>> Changes in V2:
>>>       -- split _dpu_rm_reserve_dsc() into _dpu_rm_reserve_dsc_single() and
>>>          _dpu_rm_reserve_dsc_pair()
>>> Fixes: f2803ee91a41 ("drm/msm/disp/dpu1: Add DSC support in RM")
>>> Signed-off-by: Kuogee Hsieh <quic_khsieh at quicinc.com>
>>> ---
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_rm.c | 154 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
>>>    1 file changed, 139 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Baryshkov <dmitry.baryshkov at linaro.org>
> See below for minor nit.
>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_rm.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_rm.c
>>> index f9215643..0ce2a25 100644
>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_rm.c
>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_rm.c
>>> @@ -461,29 +461,153 @@ static int _dpu_rm_reserve_ctls(
>>>        return 0;
>>>    }
>>> -static int _dpu_rm_reserve_dsc(struct dpu_rm *rm,
>>> -                            struct dpu_global_state *global_state,
>>> -                            struct drm_encoder *enc,
>>> -                            const struct msm_display_topology *top)
>>> +static int _dpu_rm_pingpong_next_index(struct dpu_global_state *global_state,
>>> +                                    int start,
> I'd still prefer to see `enum dpu_pingpong` as a parameter here
> instead of just an index, but this is just my taste.

Can you please elaborate more details (pseudo code)  for this?

i can add it at my next DP dsc patches.

>>> +                                    uint32_t enc_id)
>>>    {
>>> -     int num_dsc = top->num_dsc;
>>>        int i;
>>> -     /* check if DSC required are allocated or not */
>>> -     for (i = 0; i < num_dsc; i++) {
>>> -             if (!rm->dsc_blks[i]) {
>>> -                     DPU_ERROR("DSC %d does not exist\n", i);
>>> -                     return -EIO;
>>> +     for (i = start; i < (PINGPONG_MAX - PINGPONG_0); i++) {
>>> +             if (global_state->pingpong_to_enc_id[i] == enc_id)
>>> +                     return i;
>>> +     }
>>> +
>>> +     return -ENAVAIL;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int _dpu_rm_pingpong_dsc_check(int dsc_idx, int pp_idx)
>>> +{
>>> +     /*
>>> +      * DSC with even index must be used with the PINGPONG with even index
>>> +      * DSC with odd index must be used with the PINGPONG with odd index
>>> +      */
>>> +     if ((dsc_idx & 0x01) != (pp_idx & 0x01))
>>> +             return -ENAVAIL;
>>> +
>>> +     return 0;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int _dpu_rm_dsc_alloc(struct dpu_rm *rm,
>>> +                          struct dpu_global_state *global_state,
>>> +                          uint32_t enc_id,
>>> +                          const struct msm_display_topology *top)
>>> +{
>>> +     int num_dsc = 0;
>>> +     int pp_idx = 0;
>>> +     int dsc_idx;
>>> +     int ret;
>>> +
>>> +     for (dsc_idx = 0; dsc_idx < ARRAY_SIZE(rm->dsc_blks) &&
>>> +          num_dsc < top->num_dsc; dsc_idx++) {
>>> +             if (!rm->dsc_blks[dsc_idx])
>>> +                     continue;
>>> +
>>> +             if (reserved_by_other(global_state->dsc_to_enc_id, dsc_idx, enc_id))
>>> +                     continue;
>>> +
>>> +             pp_idx = _dpu_rm_pingpong_next_index(global_state, pp_idx, enc_id);
>>> +             if (pp_idx < 0)
>>> +                     return -ENAVAIL;
>>> +
>>> +             ret = _dpu_rm_pingpong_dsc_check(dsc_idx, pp_idx);
>>> +             if (ret)
>>> +                     return -ENAVAIL;
>>> +
>>> +             global_state->dsc_to_enc_id[dsc_idx] = enc_id;
>>> +             num_dsc++;
>>> +             pp_idx++;
>>> +     }
>>> +
>>> +     if (num_dsc < top->num_dsc) {
>>> +             DPU_ERROR("DSC allocation failed num_dsc=%d required=%d\n",
>>> +                        num_dsc, top->num_dsc);
>>> +             return -ENAVAIL;
>>> +     }
>>> +
>>> +     return 0;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int _dpu_rm_dsc_alloc_pair(struct dpu_rm *rm,
>>> +                               struct dpu_global_state *global_state,
>>> +                               uint32_t enc_id,
>>> +                               const struct msm_display_topology *top)
>>> +{
>>> +     int num_dsc = 0;
>>> +     int dsc_idx, pp_idx = 0;
>>> +     int ret;
>>> +
>>> +     /* only start from even dsc index */
>>> +     for (dsc_idx = 0; dsc_idx < ARRAY_SIZE(rm->dsc_blks) &&
>>> +          num_dsc < top->num_dsc; dsc_idx += 2) {
>>> +             if (!rm->dsc_blks[dsc_idx] ||
>>> +                 !rm->dsc_blks[dsc_idx + 1])
>>> +                     continue;
>>> +
>>> +             /* consective dsc index to be paired */
>>> +             if (reserved_by_other(global_state->dsc_to_enc_id, dsc_idx, enc_id) ||
>>> +                 reserved_by_other(global_state->dsc_to_enc_id, dsc_idx + 1, enc_id))
>>> +                     continue;
>>> +
>>> +             pp_idx = _dpu_rm_pingpong_next_index(global_state, pp_idx, enc_id);
>>> +             if (pp_idx < 0)
>>> +                     return -ENAVAIL;
>>> +
>>> +             ret = _dpu_rm_pingpong_dsc_check(dsc_idx, pp_idx);
>>> +             if (ret) {
>>> +                     pp_idx = 0;
>>> +                     continue;
>>>                }
>>> -             if (global_state->dsc_to_enc_id[i]) {
>>> -                     DPU_ERROR("DSC %d is already allocated\n", i);
>>> -                     return -EIO;
>>> +             pp_idx = _dpu_rm_pingpong_next_index(global_state, pp_idx + 1, enc_id);
>>> +             if (pp_idx < 0)
>>> +                     return -ENAVAIL;
>>> +
>>> +             ret = _dpu_rm_pingpong_dsc_check(dsc_idx + 1, pp_idx);
>>> +             if (ret) {
>>> +                     pp_idx = 0;
>>> +                     continue;
>>>                }
>>> +
>>> +             global_state->dsc_to_enc_id[dsc_idx] = enc_id;
>>> +             global_state->dsc_to_enc_id[dsc_idx + 1] = enc_id;
>>> +             num_dsc += 2;
>>> +             pp_idx++;       /* start for next pair */
>>>        }
>>> -     for (i = 0; i < num_dsc; i++)
>>> -             global_state->dsc_to_enc_id[i] = enc->base.id;
>>> +     if (num_dsc < top->num_dsc) {
>>> +             DPU_ERROR("DSC allocation failed num_dsc=%d required=%d\n",
>>> +                        num_dsc, top->num_dsc);
>>> +             return -ENAVAIL;
>>> +     }
>>> +
>>> +     return 0;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int _dpu_rm_reserve_dsc(struct dpu_rm *rm,
>>> +                            struct dpu_global_state *global_state,
>>> +                            struct drm_encoder *enc,
>>> +                            const struct msm_display_topology *top)
>>> +{
>>> +     uint32_t enc_id = enc->base.id;
>>> +
>>> +     if (!top->num_dsc || !top->num_intf)
>>> +             return 0;
>>> +
>>> +     /*
>>> +      * Facts:
>>> +      * 1) no pingpong split (two layer mixers shared one pingpong)
>>> +      * 2) DSC pair starts from even index, such as index(0,1), (2,3), etc
>>> +      * 3) even PINGPONG connects to even DSC
>>> +      * 4) odd PINGPONG connects to odd DSC
>>> +      * 5) pair: encoder +--> pp_idx_0 --> dsc_idx_0
>>> +      *                  +--> pp_idx_1 --> dsc_idx_1
>>> +      */
>>> +
>>> +     /* num_dsc should be either 1, 2 or 4 */
>>> +     if (top->num_dsc > top->num_intf)       /* merge mode */
>>> +             return _dpu_rm_dsc_alloc_pair(rm, global_state, enc_id, top);
>>> +     else
>>> +             return _dpu_rm_dsc_alloc(rm, global_state, enc_id, top);
>>>        return 0;
>>>    }

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