[Freedreno] [v1 2/3] drm/msm/disp/dpu1: add dspps into reservation if there is a ctm request

Marijn Suijten marijn.suijten at somainline.org
Wed Feb 1 11:26:31 UTC 2023

On 2023-02-01 12:16:05, Marijn Suijten wrote:
> > +	if (dpu_kms->catalog->dspp &&
> > +	    crtc_state->ctm && (dpu_kms->catalog->dspp_count >= topology.num_lm))
> Multiline-if-clause is typically indented with two tabs, not a half tab
> (4 spaces).

Hmm, Dmitry requested indent-to-opening-parenthesis in v1 instead; and
the majority of dpu1 uses the worst version of all: indent with a single
tab so that the contents line up with the code block below.  Dmitry,
I'll leave final say to you (and fix it up in my own DPU series
accordingly too).

- Marijn

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