[Freedreno] [PATCH 06/10] drm/msm/dpu: Add SM6350 support

Marijn Suijten marijn.suijten at somainline.org
Mon Feb 13 15:14:13 UTC 2023

On 2023-02-13 16:58:00, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
> On 13/02/2023 16:28, Marijn Suijten wrote:
> > On 2023-02-13 13:35:01, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
> >> On 13/02/2023 13:30, Marijn Suijten wrote:
> >>> On 2023-02-13 12:15:19, Konrad Dybcio wrote:
> >>> [...]
> >>>>>> @@ -1674,6 +1765,15 @@ static struct dpu_pingpong_cfg sc8280xp_pp[] = {
> >>>>>>               DPU_IRQ_IDX(MDP_SSPP_TOP0_INTR2, 31), -1),
> >>>>>>     };
> >>>>>>     +static struct dpu_pingpong_cfg sm6350_pp[] = {
> >>>>>> +    PP_BLK("pingpong_0", PINGPONG_0, 0x70000, 0, sdm845_pp_sblk,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> No TE support?
> >>>> It's.. complicated.. With just this patch, display refreshes, albeit
> >>>> not at 60fps. Marijn is working on getting it going, though
> >>>>
> >>>> https://github.com/SoMainline/linux/commits/marijn/longbois-next/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_hw_catalog.c
> >>>
> >>> This branch hasn't been updated for the longest time.  I'm preparing v2
> >>> of the INTF TE series at:
> >>>
> >>> https://github.com/SoMainline/linux/commits/marijn/dpu/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_hw_catalog.c
> >>>
> >>> and it has about ±40% of Dmitry's review applied.  More to come now that
> >>> hiatus is over.
> >>
> >> We should agree on landing order for my rework vs your changes. Can I
> >> try persuading you to review that 50-patches beast? With the hope that
> >> you'd agree to land your changes on top of it?
> > 
> > SM6115 unexpectedly landing in advance of SM8[345]0 was already an
> > unnecessary headache to deal with, and now we're "changing direction" on
> > landing SM6350/75 in advance of INTF TE too...  not to forget about
> > SM6125 which I also keep rebasing locally but planned on landing _after_
> > INTF TE.  Regardless of the extra effort it will take from me I'd be
> > happy to land my patches after everyone else's to have final say over
> > which setup gets what bitflags and interrupts, as these typically got
> > botched in our trees after rebases leading to broken INTF TE.
> > Perhaps I should resubmit the individual Fixes: commits though?
> What is the current status of your INTF TE patchset? If it's mostly 
> ready, I can rebase my patch-bomb on top of it.

The catalog part is ready [1] and was rebased on -next a "week" ago, and
does not depend on any of the SM6125/6350/75 series.  All that remains
is addressing review comments regarding restructuring function and
function pointer layout.

[1]: https://github.com/SoMainline/linux/commits/marijn/dpu/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_hw_catalog.c

> I definitely do not want to merge new platforms before sorting out INTF 
> TE and the catalog. Handling sc8280xp, sm8350, sm8450 and sm6115 was a 
> nightmare. The restructure targets making addition of new platforms simpler.

Ack, totally agree here, massive rebase conflict nightmare not to
mention fixups/followups.

> > Feel free to propose a merge order listing all the aforementioned SoCs,
> > your rework, my INTF TE patches and whatever else is in the pipeline.
> > As I've been away for a while, and only have limited hobby time (_and_
> > have to split that on various projects), I'm behind on what's currently
> > in swing for DPU (need additional time to catch back up) nor will be
> > able to rebase/resubmit my patches often (a set-in-stone merge order
> > will really help prioritise/plan ahead here).
> We have several patchsets in the pipeline (PSR, color-transformation 
> rework, wide planes) which do not touch the catalog, so the amount of 
> conflicts should be pretty minimal.

Sounds good.

> We are still waiting for DSC 1.2 v2, 
> but it definitely will take time to mature even if v2 is posted today.

That'll hit the catalog to a minimal extent (I guess, to describe new
blocks / with a feature flag) but should be easy to delay / rebase.

> So, *possible* the merge order is the following:
> - fixes from https://patchwork.freedesktop.org/series/113910/ go to 
> msm-fixes
> - fixes from your intf-te go to msm-fixes
> - https://patchwork.freedesktop.org/series/111751/
> - the rest of intf-te and catalog (*see below)
> - DPU features
> - new DPU platforms (might go together with DPU features)
> * That really depends on the availability of the patchsets. Most 
> probably, as your patchset also contains several fixups, it would be 
> easier to land it before catalog split/rework.
> So, if you have the available timeslot, could you please finish & send 
> intf te on top of msm-next.

Ack, I'll get to that immediately.  You might even pull in the
intermediate patches linked above (that touch the catalog) to see how it
integrates, if I remember correctly (it has been a while) the catalog
changes should now be independent of driver changes...?

> > Sure, I will at least start looking at your 50-patch as part of catching
> > back up.  Do you want to process that on the mailing list or via
> > https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/msm/-/merge_requests/44?
> I'd prefer to use email. The MR was open to doublecheck that nothing got 
> broken on sc7180.

Ack; will try providing feedback on the 50-patch series via email in
parallel to getting INTF TE v2 out ASAP.  As discussed before I should
probably add myself as reviewer to the drm/msm subsystem to have these
patches in my inbox from the get-go though...

- Marijn

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