[Freedreno] [RFC PATCH 0/3] Support for Solid Fill Planes

Abhinav Kumar quic_abhinavk at quicinc.com
Tue Jun 27 22:10:19 UTC 2023

On 6/27/2023 2:59 PM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
> On 28/06/2023 00:27, Jessica Zhang wrote:
>> On 6/27/2023 12:58 AM, Pekka Paalanen wrote:
>>> On Mon, 26 Jun 2023 16:02:50 -0700
>>> Jessica Zhang <quic_jesszhan at quicinc.com> wrote:
>>>> On 11/7/2022 11:37 AM, Ville Syrjälä wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, Oct 28, 2022 at 03:59:49PM -0700, Jessica Zhang wrote:
>>>>>> Introduce and add support for COLOR_FILL and COLOR_FILL_FORMAT
>>>>>> properties. When the color fill value is set, and the framebuffer 
>>>>>> is set
>>>>>> to NULL, memory fetch will be disabled.
>>>>> Thinking a bit more universally I wonder if there should be
>>>>> some kind of enum property:
>>>>> enum plane_pixel_source {
>>>>>     FB,
>>>>>     COLOR,
>>>>>     LIVE_FOO,
>>>>>     LIVE_BAR,
>>>>>     ...
>>>>> }
>>>> Reviving this thread as this was the initial comment suggesting to
>>>> implement pixel_source as an enum.
>>>> I think the issue with having pixel_source as an enum is how to decide
>>>> what counts as a NULL commit.
>>>> Currently, setting the FB to NULL will disable the plane. So I'm
>>>> guessing we will extend that logic to "if there's no pixel_source set
>>>> for the plane, then it will be a NULL commit and disable the plane".
>>>> In that case, the question then becomes when to set the pixel_source to
>>>> NONE. Because if we do that when setting a NULL FB (or NULL solid_fill
>>>> blob), it then forces userspace to set one property before the other.
>>> Right, that won't work.
>>> There is no ordering between each property being set inside a single
>>> atomic commit. They can all be applied to kernel-internal state
>>> theoretically simultaneously, or any arbitrary random order, and the
>>> end result must always be the same. Hence, setting one property cannot
>>> change the state of another mutable property. I believe that doing
>>> otherwise would make userspace fragile and hard to get right.
>>> I guess there might be an exception to that rule when the same property
>>> is set multiple times in a single atomic commit; the last setting in
>>> the array prevails. That's universal and not a special-case between two
>>> specific properties.
>>>> Because of that, I'm thinking of having pixel_source be represented 
>>>> by a
>>>> bitmask instead. That way, we will simply unset the corresponding
>>>> pixel_source bit when passing in a NULL FB/solid_fill blob. Then, in
>>>> order to detect whether a commit is NULL or has a valid pixel 
>>>> source, we
>>>> can just check if pixel_source == 0.
>>> Sounds fine to me at first hand, but isn't there the enum property that
>>> says if the kernel must look at solid_fill blob *or* FB_ID?
>>> If enum prop says "use solid_fill prop", the why would changes to FB_ID
>>> do anything? Is it for backwards-compatibility with KMS clients that do
>>> not know about the enum prop?
>>> It seems like that kind of backwards-compatiblity will cause problems
>>> in trying to reason about the atomic state, as explained above, leading
>>> to very delicate and fragile conditions where things work intuitively.
>>> Hence, I'm not sure backwards-compatibility is wanted. This won't be
>>> the first or the last KMS property where an unexpected value left over
>>> will make old atomic KMS clients silently malfunction up to showing no
>>> recognisable picture at all. *If* that problem needs solving, there
>>> have been ideas floating around about resetting everything to nice
>>> values so that userspace can ignore what it does not understand. So far
>>> there has been no real interest in solving that problem in the kernel
>>> though.
>>> Legacy non-atomic UAPI wrappers can do whatever they want, and program
>>> any (new) properties they want in order to implement the legacy
>>> expectations, so that does not seem to be a problem.
>> Hi Pekka and Dmitry,
>> After reading through both of your comments, I think I have a better 
>> understanding of the pixel_source implementation now.
>> So to summarize, we want to expose another property called 
>> "pixel_source" to userspace that will default to FB (as to not break 
>> legacy userspace).
>> If userspace wants to use solid fill planes, it will set both the 
>> solid_fill *and* pixel_source properties to a valid blob and COLOR 
>> respectively. If it wants to use FB, it will set FB_ID and 
>> pixel_source to a valid FB and FB.
>> Here's a table illustrating what I've described above:
>> +-----------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+
>> | Use Case        | Legacy Userspace        | solid_fill-aware        |
>> |                 |                         | Userspace               |
>> +=================+=========================+=========================+
>> | Valid FB        | pixel_source = FB       | pixel_source = FB       |
>> |                 | FB_ID = valid FB        | FB_ID = valid FB        |
>> +-----------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+
>> | Valid           | pixel_source = COLOR    | N/A                     |
>> | solid_fill blob | solid_fill = valid blob |                         |
> Probably these two cells were swapped.

Ack, yes they were swapped.

>> +-----------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+
>> | NULL commit     | pixel_source = FB       | pixel_source = FB       |
>> |                 | FB_ID = NULL            | FB_ID = NULL            |
>> +-----------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+
>                                                | or:
>                                                | pixel_source = COLOR
>                                                | solid_fill = NULL
>> Is there anything I'm missing or needs to be clarified?
> LGTM otherwise

LGTM too.

>> Thanks,
>> Jessica Zhang
>>> Thanks,
>>> pq
>>>> Would be interested in any feedback on this.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jessica Zhang
>>>>>> In addition, loosen the NULL FB checks within the atomic commit 
>>>>>> callstack
>>>>>> to allow a NULL FB when color_fill is nonzero and add FB checks in
>>>>>> methods where the FB was previously assumed to be non-NULL.
>>>>>> Finally, have the DPU driver use drm_plane_state.color_fill and
>>>>>> drm_plane_state.color_fill_format instead of 
>>>>>> dpu_plane_state.color_fill,
>>>>>> and add extra checks in the DPU atomic commit callstack to account 
>>>>>> for a
>>>>>> NULL FB in cases where color_fill is set.
>>>>>> Some drivers support hardware that have optimizations for solid fill
>>>>>> planes. This series aims to expose these capabilities to userspace as
>>>>>> some compositors have a solid fill flag (ex. SOLID_COLOR in the 
>>>>>> Android
>>>>>> hardware composer HAL) that can be set by apps like the Android Gears
>>>>>> app.
>>>>>> Userspace can set the color_fill value by setting 
>>>>>> DRM format, setting COLOR_FILL to a color fill value, and setting the
>>>>>> framebuffer to NULL.
>>>>> Is there some real reason for the format property? Ie. why not
>>>>> just do what was the plan for the crttc background color and
>>>>> specify the color in full 16bpc format and just pick as many
>>>>> msbs from that as the hw can use?
>>>>>> Jessica Zhang (3):
>>>>>>     drm: Introduce color fill properties for drm plane
>>>>>>     drm: Adjust atomic checks for solid fill color
>>>>>>     drm/msm/dpu: Use color_fill property for DPU planes
>>>>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/drm_atomic.c              | 68 
>>>>>> ++++++++++++-----------
>>>>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/drm_atomic_helper.c       | 34 +++++++-----
>>>>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/drm_atomic_uapi.c         |  8 +++
>>>>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/drm_blend.c               | 38 +++++++++++++
>>>>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/drm_plane.c               |  8 +--
>>>>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_crtc.c  |  7 ++-
>>>>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_plane.c | 66 
>>>>>> ++++++++++++++--------
>>>>>>    include/drm/drm_atomic_helper.h           |  5 +-
>>>>>>    include/drm/drm_blend.h                   |  2 +
>>>>>>    include/drm/drm_plane.h                   | 28 ++++++++++
>>>>>>    10 files changed, 188 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> 2.38.0
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Ville Syrjälä
>>>>> Intel

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