[Freedreno] [v2, 43/50] drm/msm/dpu: deduplicate sc8280xp with sm8450

Konrad Dybcio konrad.dybcio at linaro.org
Thu Mar 30 12:59:04 UTC 2023

On 12.02.2023 00:12, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
> Remove duplicate between sc8280xp and sm8450, which belong to the same
> DPU major revision.
> Signed-off-by: Dmitry Baryshkov <dmitry.baryshkov at linaro.org>
> ---

Reviewed-by: Konrad Dybcio <konrad.dybcio at linaro.org>

>  .../msm/disp/dpu1/catalog/dpu_8_0_sc8280xp.h  | 131 ++---------------
>  .../msm/disp/dpu1/catalog/dpu_8_1_sm8450.h    | 135 ++----------------
>  .../gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/catalog/dpu_8_lm6.h | 118 +++++++++++++++
>  3 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 242 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/catalog/dpu_8_lm6.h
> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/catalog/dpu_8_0_sc8280xp.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/catalog/dpu_8_0_sc8280xp.h
> index 05b7ae3f0343..81cbc99334a6 100644
> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/catalog/dpu_8_0_sc8280xp.h
> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/catalog/dpu_8_0_sc8280xp.h
> @@ -7,18 +7,7 @@
>  #ifndef _DPU_8_0_SC8280XP_H
>  #define _DPU_8_0_SC8280XP_H
> -static const struct dpu_caps sc8280xp_dpu_caps = {
> -	.max_mixer_width = DEFAULT_DPU_OUTPUT_LINE_WIDTH,
> -	.max_mixer_blendstages = 11,
> -	.qseed_type = DPU_SSPP_SCALER_QSEED4,
> -	.smart_dma_rev = DPU_SSPP_SMART_DMA_V2, /* TODO: v2.5 */
> -	.has_src_split = true,
> -	.has_dim_layer = true,
> -	.has_idle_pc = true,
> -	.has_3d_merge = true,
> -	.max_linewidth = 5120,
> -	.pixel_ram_size = DEFAULT_PIXEL_RAM_SIZE,
> -};
> +#include "dpu_8_lm6.h"
>  static const struct dpu_ubwc_cfg sc8280xp_ubwc_cfg = {
>  	.ubwc_version = DPU_HW_UBWC_VER_40,
> @@ -26,102 +15,6 @@ static const struct dpu_ubwc_cfg sc8280xp_ubwc_cfg = {
>  	.ubwc_swizzle = 6,
>  };
> -static const struct dpu_mdp_cfg sc8280xp_mdp[] = {
> -	{
> -	.name = "top_0", .id = MDP_TOP,
> -	.base = 0x0, .len = 0x494,
> -	.features = BIT(DPU_MDP_PERIPH_0_REMOVED),
> -	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG0] = { .reg_off = 0x2ac, .bit_off = 0 },
> -	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG1] = { .reg_off = 0x2b4, .bit_off = 0 },
> -	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG2] = { .reg_off = 0x2bc, .bit_off = 0 },
> -	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG3] = { .reg_off = 0x2c4, .bit_off = 0 },
> -	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA0] = { .reg_off = 0x2ac, .bit_off = 8 },
> -	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA1] = { .reg_off = 0x2b4, .bit_off = 8 },
> -	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA2] = { .reg_off = 0x2bc, .bit_off = 8 },
> -	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA3] = { .reg_off = 0x2c4, .bit_off = 8 },
> -	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_REG_DMA] = { .reg_off = 0x2bc, .bit_off = 20 },
> -	},
> -};
> -
> -static const struct dpu_ctl_cfg sc8280xp_ctl[] = {
> -	{
> -	.name = "ctl_0", .id = CTL_0,
> -	.base = 0x15000, .len = 0x204,
> -	.features = BIT(DPU_CTL_SPLIT_DISPLAY) | CTL_SC7280_MASK,
> -	.intr_start = DPU_IRQ_IDX(MDP_SSPP_TOP0_INTR2, 9),
> -	},
> -	{
> -	.name = "ctl_1", .id = CTL_1,
> -	.base = 0x16000, .len = 0x204,
> -	.features = BIT(DPU_CTL_SPLIT_DISPLAY) | CTL_SC7280_MASK,
> -	.intr_start = DPU_IRQ_IDX(MDP_SSPP_TOP0_INTR2, 10),
> -	},
> -	{
> -	.name = "ctl_2", .id = CTL_2,
> -	.base = 0x17000, .len = 0x204,
> -	.features = CTL_SC7280_MASK,
> -	.intr_start = DPU_IRQ_IDX(MDP_SSPP_TOP0_INTR2, 11),
> -	},
> -	{
> -	.name = "ctl_3", .id = CTL_3,
> -	.base = 0x18000, .len = 0x204,
> -	.features = CTL_SC7280_MASK,
> -	.intr_start = DPU_IRQ_IDX(MDP_SSPP_TOP0_INTR2, 12),
> -	},
> -	{
> -	.name = "ctl_4", .id = CTL_4,
> -	.base = 0x19000, .len = 0x204,
> -	.features = CTL_SC7280_MASK,
> -	.intr_start = DPU_IRQ_IDX(MDP_SSPP_TOP0_INTR2, 13),
> -	},
> -	{
> -	.name = "ctl_5", .id = CTL_5,
> -	.base = 0x1a000, .len = 0x204,
> -	.features = CTL_SC7280_MASK,
> -	.intr_start = DPU_IRQ_IDX(MDP_SSPP_TOP0_INTR2, 23),
> -	},
> -};
> -
> -/* FIXME: check block length */
> -static const struct dpu_sspp_cfg sc8280xp_sspp[] = {
> -	SSPP_BLK("sspp_0", SSPP_VIG0, 0x4000, 0x328, VIG_SC7180_MASK,
> -		 sm8250_vig_sblk_0, 0, SSPP_TYPE_VIG, DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG0),
> -	SSPP_BLK("sspp_1", SSPP_VIG1, 0x6000, 0x328, VIG_SC7180_MASK,
> -		 sm8250_vig_sblk_1, 4, SSPP_TYPE_VIG, DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG1),
> -	SSPP_BLK("sspp_2", SSPP_VIG2, 0x8000, 0x328, VIG_SC7180_MASK,
> -		 sm8250_vig_sblk_2, 8, SSPP_TYPE_VIG, DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG2),
> -	SSPP_BLK("sspp_3", SSPP_VIG3, 0xa000, 0x328, VIG_SC7180_MASK,
> -		 sm8250_vig_sblk_3, 12, SSPP_TYPE_VIG, DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG3),
> -	SSPP_BLK("sspp_8", SSPP_DMA0, 0x24000, 0x328, DMA_SDM845_MASK,
> -		 sdm845_dma_sblk_0, 1, SSPP_TYPE_DMA, DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA0),
> -	SSPP_BLK("sspp_9", SSPP_DMA1, 0x26000, 0x328, DMA_SDM845_MASK,
> -		 sdm845_dma_sblk_1, 5, SSPP_TYPE_DMA, DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA1),
> -	SSPP_BLK("sspp_10", SSPP_DMA2, 0x28000, 0x328, DMA_CURSOR_SDM845_MASK,
> -		 sdm845_dma_sblk_2, 9, SSPP_TYPE_DMA, DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA2),
> -	SSPP_BLK("sspp_11", SSPP_DMA3, 0x2a000, 0x328, DMA_CURSOR_SDM845_MASK,
> -		 sdm845_dma_sblk_3, 13, SSPP_TYPE_DMA, DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA3),
> -};
> -
> -static const struct dpu_lm_cfg sc8280xp_lm[] = {
> -	LM_BLK("lm_0", LM_0, 0x44000, MIXER_SDM845_MASK, &sdm845_lm_sblk, PINGPONG_0, LM_1, DSPP_0),
> -	LM_BLK("lm_1", LM_1, 0x45000, MIXER_SDM845_MASK, &sdm845_lm_sblk, PINGPONG_1, LM_0, DSPP_1),
> -	LM_BLK("lm_2", LM_2, 0x46000, MIXER_SDM845_MASK, &sdm845_lm_sblk, PINGPONG_2, LM_3, DSPP_2),
> -	LM_BLK("lm_3", LM_3, 0x47000, MIXER_SDM845_MASK, &sdm845_lm_sblk, PINGPONG_3, LM_2, DSPP_3),
> -	LM_BLK("lm_4", LM_4, 0x48000, MIXER_SDM845_MASK, &sdm845_lm_sblk, PINGPONG_4, LM_5, 0),
> -	LM_BLK("lm_5", LM_5, 0x49000, MIXER_SDM845_MASK, &sdm845_lm_sblk, PINGPONG_5, LM_4, 0),
> -};
> -
> -static const struct dpu_dspp_cfg sc8280xp_dspp[] = {
> -	DSPP_BLK("dspp_0", DSPP_0, 0x54000, DSPP_SC7180_MASK,
> -		 &sm8150_dspp_sblk),
> -	DSPP_BLK("dspp_1", DSPP_1, 0x56000, DSPP_SC7180_MASK,
> -		 &sm8150_dspp_sblk),
> -	DSPP_BLK("dspp_2", DSPP_2, 0x58000, DSPP_SC7180_MASK,
> -		 &sm8150_dspp_sblk),
> -	DSPP_BLK("dspp_3", DSPP_3, 0x5a000, DSPP_SC7180_MASK,
> -		 &sm8150_dspp_sblk),
> -};
> -
>  static const struct dpu_pingpong_cfg sc8280xp_pp[] = {
>  	PP_BLK_TE("pingpong_0", PINGPONG_0, 0x69000, MERGE_3D_0, sdm845_pp_sblk_te,
>  		  DPU_IRQ_IDX(MDP_SSPP_TOP0_INTR, 8), -1),
> @@ -184,18 +77,18 @@ static const struct dpu_perf_cfg sc8280xp_perf_data = {
>  };
>  static const struct dpu_mdss_cfg sc8280xp_dpu_cfg = {
> -	.caps = &sc8280xp_dpu_caps,
> +	.caps = &dpu_8_lm6_dpu_caps,
>  	.ubwc = &sc8280xp_ubwc_cfg,
> -	.mdp_count = ARRAY_SIZE(sc8280xp_mdp),
> -	.mdp = sc8280xp_mdp,
> -	.ctl_count = ARRAY_SIZE(sc8280xp_ctl),
> -	.ctl = sc8280xp_ctl,
> -	.sspp_count = ARRAY_SIZE(sc8280xp_sspp),
> -	.sspp = sc8280xp_sspp,
> -	.mixer_count = ARRAY_SIZE(sc8280xp_lm),
> -	.mixer = sc8280xp_lm,
> -	.dspp_count = ARRAY_SIZE(sc8280xp_dspp),
> -	.dspp = sc8280xp_dspp,
> +	.mdp_count = ARRAY_SIZE(dpu_8_lm6_mdp),
> +	.mdp = dpu_8_lm6_mdp,
> +	.ctl_count = ARRAY_SIZE(dpu_8_lm6_ctl),
> +	.ctl = dpu_8_lm6_ctl,
> +	.sspp_count = ARRAY_SIZE(dpu_8_lm6_sspp),
> +	.sspp = dpu_8_lm6_sspp,
> +	.mixer_count = ARRAY_SIZE(dpu_8_lm6_lm),
> +	.mixer = dpu_8_lm6_lm,
> +	.dspp_count = ARRAY_SIZE(dpu_8_lm6_dspp),
> +	.dspp = dpu_8_lm6_dspp,
>  	.pingpong_count = ARRAY_SIZE(sc8280xp_pp),
>  	.pingpong = sc8280xp_pp,
>  	.merge_3d_count = ARRAY_SIZE(sc8280xp_merge_3d),
> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/catalog/dpu_8_1_sm8450.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/catalog/dpu_8_1_sm8450.h
> index d4f710481b78..a453c31c4bc7 100644
> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/catalog/dpu_8_1_sm8450.h
> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/catalog/dpu_8_1_sm8450.h
> @@ -7,18 +7,7 @@
>  #ifndef _DPU_8_1_SM8450_H
>  #define _DPU_8_1_SM8450_H
> -static const struct dpu_caps sm8450_dpu_caps = {
> -	.max_mixer_width = DEFAULT_DPU_OUTPUT_LINE_WIDTH,
> -	.max_mixer_blendstages = 0xb,
> -	.qseed_type = DPU_SSPP_SCALER_QSEED4,
> -	.smart_dma_rev = DPU_SSPP_SMART_DMA_V2, /* TODO: v2.5 */
> -	.has_src_split = true,
> -	.has_dim_layer = true,
> -	.has_idle_pc = true,
> -	.has_3d_merge = true,
> -	.max_linewidth = 5120,
> -	.pixel_ram_size = DEFAULT_PIXEL_RAM_SIZE,
> -};
> +#include "dpu_8_lm6.h"
>  static const struct dpu_ubwc_cfg sm8450_ubwc_cfg = {
>  	.ubwc_version = DPU_HW_UBWC_VER_40,
> @@ -26,106 +15,6 @@ static const struct dpu_ubwc_cfg sm8450_ubwc_cfg = {
>  	.ubwc_swizzle = 0x6,
>  };
> -static const struct dpu_mdp_cfg sm8450_mdp[] = {
> -	{
> -	.name = "top_0", .id = MDP_TOP,
> -	.base = 0x0, .len = 0x494,
> -	.features = BIT(DPU_MDP_PERIPH_0_REMOVED),
> -	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG0] = { .reg_off = 0x2ac, .bit_off = 0 },
> -	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG1] = { .reg_off = 0x2b4, .bit_off = 0 },
> -	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG2] = { .reg_off = 0x2bc, .bit_off = 0 },
> -	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG3] = { .reg_off = 0x2c4, .bit_off = 0 },
> -	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA0] = { .reg_off = 0x2ac, .bit_off = 8 },
> -	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA1] = { .reg_off = 0x2b4, .bit_off = 8 },
> -	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA2] = { .reg_off = 0x2bc, .bit_off = 8 },
> -	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA3] = { .reg_off = 0x2c4, .bit_off = 8 },
> -	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_REG_DMA] = { .reg_off = 0x2bc, .bit_off = 20 },
> -	},
> -};
> -
> -static const struct dpu_ctl_cfg sm8450_ctl[] = {
> -	{
> -	.name = "ctl_0", .id = CTL_0,
> -	.base = 0x15000, .len = 0x204,
> -	.intr_start = DPU_IRQ_IDX(MDP_SSPP_TOP0_INTR2, 9),
> -	},
> -	{
> -	.name = "ctl_1", .id = CTL_1,
> -	.base = 0x16000, .len = 0x204,
> -	.features = BIT(DPU_CTL_SPLIT_DISPLAY) | CTL_SC7280_MASK,
> -	.intr_start = DPU_IRQ_IDX(MDP_SSPP_TOP0_INTR2, 10),
> -	},
> -	{
> -	.name = "ctl_2", .id = CTL_2,
> -	.base = 0x17000, .len = 0x204,
> -	.features = CTL_SC7280_MASK,
> -	.intr_start = DPU_IRQ_IDX(MDP_SSPP_TOP0_INTR2, 11),
> -	},
> -	{
> -	.name = "ctl_3", .id = CTL_3,
> -	.base = 0x18000, .len = 0x204,
> -	.features = CTL_SC7280_MASK,
> -	.intr_start = DPU_IRQ_IDX(MDP_SSPP_TOP0_INTR2, 12),
> -	},
> -	{
> -	.name = "ctl_4", .id = CTL_4,
> -	.base = 0x19000, .len = 0x204,
> -	.features = CTL_SC7280_MASK,
> -	.intr_start = DPU_IRQ_IDX(MDP_SSPP_TOP0_INTR2, 13),
> -	},
> -	{
> -	.name = "ctl_5", .id = CTL_5,
> -	.base = 0x1a000, .len = 0x204,
> -	.features = CTL_SC7280_MASK,
> -	.intr_start = DPU_IRQ_IDX(MDP_SSPP_TOP0_INTR2, 23),
> -	},
> -};
> -
> -static const struct dpu_sspp_cfg sm8450_sspp[] = {
> -	SSPP_BLK("sspp_0", SSPP_VIG0, 0x4000, 0x328, VIG_SC7180_MASK,
> -		sm8250_vig_sblk_0, 0, SSPP_TYPE_VIG, DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG0),
> -	SSPP_BLK("sspp_1", SSPP_VIG1, 0x6000, 0x328, VIG_SC7180_MASK,
> -		sm8250_vig_sblk_1, 4, SSPP_TYPE_VIG, DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG1),
> -	SSPP_BLK("sspp_2", SSPP_VIG2, 0x8000, 0x328, VIG_SC7180_MASK,
> -		sm8250_vig_sblk_2, 8, SSPP_TYPE_VIG, DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG2),
> -	SSPP_BLK("sspp_3", SSPP_VIG3, 0xa000, 0x328, VIG_SC7180_MASK,
> -		sm8250_vig_sblk_3, 12, SSPP_TYPE_VIG, DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG3),
> -	SSPP_BLK("sspp_8", SSPP_DMA0, 0x24000, 0x328, DMA_SDM845_MASK,
> -		sdm845_dma_sblk_0, 1, SSPP_TYPE_DMA, DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA0),
> -	SSPP_BLK("sspp_9", SSPP_DMA1, 0x26000, 0x328, DMA_SDM845_MASK,
> -		sdm845_dma_sblk_1, 5, SSPP_TYPE_DMA, DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA1),
> -	SSPP_BLK("sspp_10", SSPP_DMA2, 0x28000, 0x328, DMA_CURSOR_SDM845_MASK,
> -		sdm845_dma_sblk_2, 9, SSPP_TYPE_DMA, DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA2),
> -	SSPP_BLK("sspp_11", SSPP_DMA3, 0x2a000, 0x328, DMA_CURSOR_SDM845_MASK,
> -		sdm845_dma_sblk_3, 13, SSPP_TYPE_DMA, DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA3),
> -};
> -
> -static const struct dpu_lm_cfg sm8450_lm[] = {
> -	LM_BLK("lm_0", LM_0, 0x44000, MIXER_SDM845_MASK,
> -		&sdm845_lm_sblk, PINGPONG_0, LM_1, DSPP_0),
> -	LM_BLK("lm_1", LM_1, 0x45000, MIXER_SDM845_MASK,
> -		&sdm845_lm_sblk, PINGPONG_1, LM_0, DSPP_1),
> -	LM_BLK("lm_2", LM_2, 0x46000, MIXER_SDM845_MASK,
> -		&sdm845_lm_sblk, PINGPONG_2, LM_3, DSPP_2),
> -	LM_BLK("lm_3", LM_3, 0x47000, MIXER_SDM845_MASK,
> -		&sdm845_lm_sblk, PINGPONG_3, LM_2, DSPP_3),
> -	LM_BLK("lm_4", LM_4, 0x48000, MIXER_SDM845_MASK,
> -		&sdm845_lm_sblk, PINGPONG_4, LM_5, 0),
> -	LM_BLK("lm_5", LM_5, 0x49000, MIXER_SDM845_MASK,
> -		&sdm845_lm_sblk, PINGPONG_5, LM_4, 0),
> -};
> -
> -static const struct dpu_dspp_cfg sm8450_dspp[] = {
> -	DSPP_BLK("dspp_0", DSPP_0, 0x54000, DSPP_SC7180_MASK,
> -		 &sm8150_dspp_sblk),
> -	DSPP_BLK("dspp_1", DSPP_1, 0x56000, DSPP_SC7180_MASK,
> -		 &sm8150_dspp_sblk),
> -	DSPP_BLK("dspp_2", DSPP_2, 0x58000, DSPP_SC7180_MASK,
> -		 &sm8150_dspp_sblk),
> -	DSPP_BLK("dspp_3", DSPP_3, 0x5a000, DSPP_SC7180_MASK,
> -		 &sm8150_dspp_sblk),
> -};
>  /* FIXME: interrupts */
>  static const struct dpu_pingpong_cfg sm8450_pp[] = {
>  	PP_BLK_TE("pingpong_0", PINGPONG_0, 0x69000, MERGE_3D_0, sdm845_pp_sblk_te,
> @@ -199,18 +88,18 @@ static const struct dpu_perf_cfg sm8450_perf_data = {
>  };
>  static const struct dpu_mdss_cfg sm8450_dpu_cfg = {
> -	.caps = &sm8450_dpu_caps,
> +	.caps = &dpu_8_lm6_dpu_caps,
>  	.ubwc = &sm8450_ubwc_cfg,
> -	.mdp_count = ARRAY_SIZE(sm8450_mdp),
> -	.mdp = sm8450_mdp,
> -	.ctl_count = ARRAY_SIZE(sm8450_ctl),
> -	.ctl = sm8450_ctl,
> -	.sspp_count = ARRAY_SIZE(sm8450_sspp),
> -	.sspp = sm8450_sspp,
> -	.mixer_count = ARRAY_SIZE(sm8450_lm),
> -	.mixer = sm8450_lm,
> -	.dspp_count = ARRAY_SIZE(sm8450_dspp),
> -	.dspp = sm8450_dspp,
> +	.mdp_count = ARRAY_SIZE(dpu_8_lm6_mdp),
> +	.mdp = dpu_8_lm6_mdp,
> +	.ctl_count = ARRAY_SIZE(dpu_8_lm6_ctl),
> +	.ctl = dpu_8_lm6_ctl,
> +	.sspp_count = ARRAY_SIZE(dpu_8_lm6_sspp),
> +	.sspp = dpu_8_lm6_sspp,
> +	.mixer_count = ARRAY_SIZE(dpu_8_lm6_lm),
> +	.mixer = dpu_8_lm6_lm,
> +	.dspp_count = ARRAY_SIZE(dpu_8_lm6_dspp),
> +	.dspp = dpu_8_lm6_dspp,
>  	.pingpong_count = ARRAY_SIZE(sm8450_pp),
>  	.pingpong = sm8450_pp,
>  	.merge_3d_count = ARRAY_SIZE(sm8450_merge_3d),
> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/catalog/dpu_8_lm6.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/catalog/dpu_8_lm6.h
> new file mode 100644
> index 000000000000..80a7b0670467
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/catalog/dpu_8_lm6.h
> @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
> +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
> +/*
> + * Copyright (c) 2022. Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved.
> + * Copyright (c) 2015-2018, 2020 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
> + */
> +
> +#ifndef _DPU_8_LM6_H
> +#define _DPU_8_LM6_H
> +
> +static const struct dpu_caps dpu_8_lm6_dpu_caps = {
> +	.max_mixer_width = DEFAULT_DPU_OUTPUT_LINE_WIDTH,
> +	.max_mixer_blendstages = 11,
> +	.qseed_type = DPU_SSPP_SCALER_QSEED4,
> +	.smart_dma_rev = DPU_SSPP_SMART_DMA_V2, /* TODO: v2.5 */
> +	.has_src_split = true,
> +	.has_dim_layer = true,
> +	.has_idle_pc = true,
> +	.has_3d_merge = true,
> +	.max_linewidth = 5120,
> +	.pixel_ram_size = DEFAULT_PIXEL_RAM_SIZE,
> +};
> +
> +static const struct dpu_mdp_cfg dpu_8_lm6_mdp[] = {
> +	{
> +	.name = "top_0", .id = MDP_TOP,
> +	.base = 0x0, .len = 0x494,
> +	.features = BIT(DPU_MDP_PERIPH_0_REMOVED),
> +	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG0] = { .reg_off = 0x2ac, .bit_off = 0 },
> +	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG1] = { .reg_off = 0x2b4, .bit_off = 0 },
> +	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG2] = { .reg_off = 0x2bc, .bit_off = 0 },
> +	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG3] = { .reg_off = 0x2c4, .bit_off = 0 },
> +	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA0] = { .reg_off = 0x2ac, .bit_off = 8 },
> +	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA1] = { .reg_off = 0x2b4, .bit_off = 8 },
> +	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA2] = { .reg_off = 0x2bc, .bit_off = 8 },
> +	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA3] = { .reg_off = 0x2c4, .bit_off = 8 },
> +	.clk_ctrls[DPU_CLK_CTRL_REG_DMA] = { .reg_off = 0x2bc, .bit_off = 20 },
> +	},
> +};
> +
> +static const struct dpu_ctl_cfg dpu_8_lm6_ctl[] = {
> +	{
> +	.name = "ctl_0", .id = CTL_0,
> +	.base = 0x15000, .len = 0x204,
> +	.features = BIT(DPU_CTL_SPLIT_DISPLAY) | CTL_SC7280_MASK,
> +	.intr_start = DPU_IRQ_IDX(MDP_SSPP_TOP0_INTR2, 9),
> +	},
> +	{
> +	.name = "ctl_1", .id = CTL_1,
> +	.base = 0x16000, .len = 0x204,
> +	.features = BIT(DPU_CTL_SPLIT_DISPLAY) | CTL_SC7280_MASK,
> +	.intr_start = DPU_IRQ_IDX(MDP_SSPP_TOP0_INTR2, 10),
> +	},
> +	{
> +	.name = "ctl_2", .id = CTL_2,
> +	.base = 0x17000, .len = 0x204,
> +	.features = CTL_SC7280_MASK,
> +	.intr_start = DPU_IRQ_IDX(MDP_SSPP_TOP0_INTR2, 11),
> +	},
> +	{
> +	.name = "ctl_3", .id = CTL_3,
> +	.base = 0x18000, .len = 0x204,
> +	.features = CTL_SC7280_MASK,
> +	.intr_start = DPU_IRQ_IDX(MDP_SSPP_TOP0_INTR2, 12),
> +	},
> +	{
> +	.name = "ctl_4", .id = CTL_4,
> +	.base = 0x19000, .len = 0x204,
> +	.features = CTL_SC7280_MASK,
> +	.intr_start = DPU_IRQ_IDX(MDP_SSPP_TOP0_INTR2, 13),
> +	},
> +	{
> +	.name = "ctl_5", .id = CTL_5,
> +	.base = 0x1a000, .len = 0x204,
> +	.features = CTL_SC7280_MASK,
> +	.intr_start = DPU_IRQ_IDX(MDP_SSPP_TOP0_INTR2, 23),
> +	},
> +};
> +
> +static const struct dpu_sspp_cfg dpu_8_lm6_sspp[] = {
> +	SSPP_BLK("sspp_0", SSPP_VIG0, 0x4000, 0x328, VIG_SC7180_MASK,
> +		 sm8250_vig_sblk_0, 0, SSPP_TYPE_VIG, DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG0),
> +	SSPP_BLK("sspp_1", SSPP_VIG1, 0x6000, 0x328, VIG_SC7180_MASK,
> +		 sm8250_vig_sblk_1, 4, SSPP_TYPE_VIG, DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG1),
> +	SSPP_BLK("sspp_2", SSPP_VIG2, 0x8000, 0x328, VIG_SC7180_MASK,
> +		 sm8250_vig_sblk_2, 8, SSPP_TYPE_VIG, DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG2),
> +	SSPP_BLK("sspp_3", SSPP_VIG3, 0xa000, 0x328, VIG_SC7180_MASK,
> +		 sm8250_vig_sblk_3, 12, SSPP_TYPE_VIG, DPU_CLK_CTRL_VIG3),
> +	SSPP_BLK("sspp_8", SSPP_DMA0, 0x24000, 0x328, DMA_SDM845_MASK,
> +		 sdm845_dma_sblk_0, 1, SSPP_TYPE_DMA, DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA0),
> +	SSPP_BLK("sspp_9", SSPP_DMA1, 0x26000, 0x328, DMA_SDM845_MASK,
> +		 sdm845_dma_sblk_1, 5, SSPP_TYPE_DMA, DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA1),
> +	SSPP_BLK("sspp_10", SSPP_DMA2, 0x28000, 0x328, DMA_CURSOR_SDM845_MASK,
> +		 sdm845_dma_sblk_2, 9, SSPP_TYPE_DMA, DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA2),
> +	SSPP_BLK("sspp_11", SSPP_DMA3, 0x2a000, 0x328, DMA_CURSOR_SDM845_MASK,
> +		 sdm845_dma_sblk_3, 13, SSPP_TYPE_DMA, DPU_CLK_CTRL_DMA3),
> +};
> +
> +static const struct dpu_lm_cfg dpu_8_lm6_lm[] = {
> +	LM_BLK("lm_0", LM_0, 0x44000, MIXER_SDM845_MASK, &sdm845_lm_sblk, PINGPONG_0, LM_1, DSPP_0),
> +	LM_BLK("lm_1", LM_1, 0x45000, MIXER_SDM845_MASK, &sdm845_lm_sblk, PINGPONG_1, LM_0, DSPP_1),
> +	LM_BLK("lm_2", LM_2, 0x46000, MIXER_SDM845_MASK, &sdm845_lm_sblk, PINGPONG_2, LM_3, DSPP_2),
> +	LM_BLK("lm_3", LM_3, 0x47000, MIXER_SDM845_MASK, &sdm845_lm_sblk, PINGPONG_3, LM_2, DSPP_3),
> +	LM_BLK("lm_4", LM_4, 0x48000, MIXER_SDM845_MASK, &sdm845_lm_sblk, PINGPONG_4, LM_5, 0),
> +	LM_BLK("lm_5", LM_5, 0x49000, MIXER_SDM845_MASK, &sdm845_lm_sblk, PINGPONG_5, LM_4, 0),
> +};
> +
> +static const struct dpu_dspp_cfg dpu_8_lm6_dspp[] = {
> +	DSPP_BLK("dspp_0", DSPP_0, 0x54000, DSPP_SC7180_MASK,
> +		 &sm8150_dspp_sblk),
> +	DSPP_BLK("dspp_1", DSPP_1, 0x56000, DSPP_SC7180_MASK,
> +		 &sm8150_dspp_sblk),
> +	DSPP_BLK("dspp_2", DSPP_2, 0x58000, DSPP_SC7180_MASK,
> +		 &sm8150_dspp_sblk),
> +	DSPP_BLK("dspp_3", DSPP_3, 0x5a000, DSPP_SC7180_MASK,
> +		 &sm8150_dspp_sblk),
> +};
> +
> +#endif

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