[Freedreno] RFC: DSI host capabilities (was: [PATCH RFC 03/10] drm/panel: Add LGD panel driver for Sony Xperia XZ3)

Dmitry Baryshkov dmitry.baryshkov at linaro.org
Tue May 30 12:36:04 UTC 2023

On 30/05/2023 15:15, AngeloGioacchino Del Regno wrote:
> Il 30/05/23 13:44, Dmitry Baryshkov ha scritto:
>> On Tue, 30 May 2023 at 10:24, Neil Armstrong 
>> <neil.armstrong at linaro.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Marijn, Dmitry, Caleb, Jessica,
>>> On 29/05/2023 23:11, Marijn Suijten wrote:
>>>> On 2023-05-22 04:16:20, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
>>>> <snip>
>>>>>> +   if (ctx->dsi->dsc) {
>>>>> dsi->dsc is always set, thus this condition can be dropped.
>>>> I want to leave room for possibly running the panel without DSC (at a
>>>> lower resolution/refresh rate, or at higher power consumption if there
>>>> is enough BW) by not assigning the pointer, if we get access to panel
>>>> documentation: probably one of the magic commands sent in this driver
>>>> controls it but we don't know which.
>>> I'd like to investigate if DSC should perhaps only be enabled if we
>>> run non certain platforms/socs ?
>>> I mean, we don't know if the controller supports DSC and those 
>>> particular
>>> DSC parameters so we should probably start adding something like :
>>> static drm_dsc_config dsc_params_qcom = {}
>>> static const struct of_device_id panel_of_dsc_params[] = {
>>>          { .compatible = "qcom,sm8150", , .data = &dsc_params_qcom },
>>>          { .compatible = "qcom,sm8250", , .data = &dsc_params_qcom },
>>>          { .compatible = "qcom,sm8350", , .data = &dsc_params_qcom },
>>>          { .compatible = "qcom,sm8450", , .data = &dsc_params_qcom },
>>> };
>> I think this would damage the reusability of the drivers. The panel
>> driver does not actually care if the SoC is SM8350, sunxi-something or
>> RCar.
>> Instead it cares about host capabilities.
>> I think instead we should extend mipi_dsi_host:
>> // FIXME: do we need to provide additional caps here ?
>> #define MIPI_DSI_DSC_1_1 BIT(0)
>> #define MIPI_DSI_DSC_1_2 BIT(1)
>> #define MIPI_DSI_DSC_NATIVE_422 BIT(2)
>> #define MIPI_DSI_DSC_NATIVE_420 BIT(3)
>> // etc.
>> struct mipi_dsi_host {
>>   // new fields only
>>    unsigned long mode_flags;
>>    unsigned long dsc_flags;
>> };
>> Then the panel driver can adapt itself to the host capabilities and
>> (possibly) select one of the internally supported DSC profiles.
> I completely agree about extending mipi_dsi_host, other SoCs could reuse 
> that and
> support for DSC panels would become a lot cleaner.

Sounds good. I will wait for one or two more days (to get the possible 
feedback on fields/flags/etc) and post an RFC patch to dri-devel.

> For example, on MediaTek DRM there's some support for DSC, more or less 
> the same
> for SPRD DRM and some DSI bridge drivers... having a clean 
> infrastructure would
> definitely help.
> I'm sad I cannot offer testing in that case because despite being sure 
> that there
> are MTK smartphones around with DSI panels using DSC, I have none... and 
> all of the
> Chromebooks are not using DSC anyway (but using DisplayPort compression, 
> which is
> obviously an entirely different beast).
>>> ...
>>> static int sony_akatsuki_lgd_probe(struct mipi_dsi_device *dsi)
>>> ...
>>>          const struct of_device_id *match;
>>> ...
>>>          match = of_match_node(panel_of_dsc_params, of_root);
>>>          if (match && match->data) {
>>>                  dsi->dsc = devm_kzalloc(&dsi->dev, sizeof(*dsc), 
>>>                  memcpy(dsi->dsc, match->data, sizeof(*dsc));
>>>          } else {
>>>                  dev_warn(&dsi->dev, "DSI controller is not marked as 
>>> supporting DSC\n");
>>>          }
>>> ...
>>> }
>>> and probably bail out if it's a DSC only panel.
> Usually DDICs support both DSC and non-DSC modes, depending on the initial
> programming (read: init commands)... but the usual issue is that many DDICs
> are not publicly documented for reasons, so yes, bailing out if DSC is not
> supported would be the only option, and would be fine at this point.
> Cheers,
> Angelo
>>> We could alternatively match on the DSI controller's dsi->host->dev 
>>> instead of the SoC root compatible.
>>> Neil

With best wishes

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