[PATCH v3 04/10] drm/msm/A6xx: Implement preemption for A7XX targets

Antonino Maniscalco antomani103 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 9 17:24:16 UTC 2024

On 9/9/24 3:15 PM, Antonino Maniscalco wrote:
> On 9/6/24 9:54 PM, Akhil P Oommen wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 05, 2024 at 04:51:22PM +0200, Antonino Maniscalco wrote:
>>> This patch implements preemption feature for A6xx targets, this allows
>>> the GPU to switch to a higher priority ringbuffer if one is ready. A6XX
>>> hardware as such supports multiple levels of preemption granularities,
>>> ranging from coarse grained(ringbuffer level) to a more fine grained
>>> such as draw-call level or a bin boundary level preemption. This patch
>>> enables the basic preemption level, with more fine grained preemption
>>> support to follow.
>>> Signed-off-by: Sharat Masetty <smasetty at codeaurora.org>
>>> Signed-off-by: Antonino Maniscalco <antomani103 at gmail.com>
>>> Tested-by: Neil Armstrong <neil.armstrong at linaro.org> # on SM8650-QRD
>>> ---
>>>   drivers/gpu/drm/msm/Makefile              |   1 +
>>>   drivers/gpu/drm/msm/adreno/a6xx_gpu.c     | 293 +++++++++++++++++++++-
>>>   drivers/gpu/drm/msm/adreno/a6xx_gpu.h     | 161 ++++++++++++
> ...
>> we can use the lighter smp variant here.
>>> +
>>> +        if (a6xx_gpu->cur_ring == ring)
>>> +            gpu_write(gpu, REG_A6XX_CP_RB_WPTR, wptr);
>>> +        else
>>> +            ring->skip_inline_wptr = true;
>>> +    } else {
>>> +        ring->skip_inline_wptr = true;
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ring->preempt_lock, flags);
>>>   }
>>>   static void get_stats_counter(struct msm_ringbuffer *ring, u32 
>>> counter,
>>> @@ -138,12 +231,14 @@ static void a6xx_set_pagetable(struct a6xx_gpu 
>>> *a6xx_gpu,
>> set_pagetable checks "cur_ctx_seqno" to see if pt switch is needed or
>> not. This is currently not tracked separately for each ring. Can you
>> please check that?
> I totally missed that. Thanks for catching it!
>> I wonder why that didn't cause any gpu errors in testing. Not sure if I
>> am missing something.
> I think this is because, so long as a single context doesn't submit to 
> two different rings with differenr priorities, we will only be incorrect 
> in the sense that we emit more page table switches than necessary and 
> never less. However untrusted userspace could create a context that 
> submits to two different rings and that would lead to execution in the 
> wrong context so we must fix this.
>>>       /*
>>>        * Write the new TTBR0 to the memstore. This is good for 
>>> debugging.
>>> +     * Needed for preemption
>>>        */
>>> -    OUT_PKT7(ring, CP_MEM_WRITE, 4);
>>> +    OUT_PKT7(ring, CP_MEM_WRITE, 5);
>>>       OUT_RING(ring, CP_MEM_WRITE_0_ADDR_LO(lower_32_bits(memptr)));
>>>       OUT_RING(ring, CP_MEM_WRITE_1_ADDR_HI(upper_32_bits(memptr)));
>>>       OUT_RING(ring, lower_32_bits(ttbr));
>>> -    OUT_RING(ring, (asid << 16) | upper_32_bits(ttbr));
>>> +    OUT_RING(ring, upper_32_bits(ttbr));
>>> +    OUT_RING(ring, ctx->seqno);
>>>       /*
>>>        * Sync both threads after switching pagetables and enable BR only
>>> @@ -268,6 +363,43 @@ static void a6xx_submit(struct msm_gpu *gpu, 
>>> struct msm_gem_submit *submit)
>>>       a6xx_flush(gpu, ring);
>>>   }
> ...
>>> +    struct a6xx_preempt_record *record_ptr =
>>> +        a6xx_gpu->preempt[ring->id] + PREEMPT_OFFSET_PRIV_NON_SECURE;
>>> +    u64 ttbr0 = ring->memptrs->ttbr0;
>>> +    u32 context_idr = ring->memptrs->context_idr;
>>> +
>>> +    smmu_info_ptr->ttbr0 = ttbr0;
>>> +    smmu_info_ptr->context_idr = context_idr;
>>> +    record_ptr->wptr = get_wptr(ring);
>>> +
>>> +    /*
>>> +     * The GPU will write the wptr we set above when we preempt. Reset
>>> +     * skip_inline_wptr to make sure that we don't write WPTR to the 
>>> same
>>> +     * thing twice. It's still possible subsequent submissions will 
>>> update
>>> +     * wptr again, in which case they will set the flag to true. 
>>> This has
>>> +     * to be protected by the lock for setting the flag and updating 
>>> wptr
>>> +     * to be atomic.
>>> +     */
>>> +    ring->skip_inline_wptr = false;
>>> +
>>> +    spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ring->preempt_lock, flags);
>>> +
>>> +    gpu_write64(gpu,
>>> +        a6xx_gpu->preempt_iova[ring->id] + PREEMPT_OFFSET_SMMU_INFO);
>>> +
>>> +    gpu_write64(gpu,
>>> +        a6xx_gpu->preempt_iova[ring->id] + 
>>> +
>>> +    preempt_offset_priv_secure =
>>> +        
>>> PREEMPT_OFFSET_PRIV_SECURE(adreno_gpu->info->preempt_record_size);
>>> +    gpu_write64(gpu,
>>> +        a6xx_gpu->preempt_iova[ring->id] + preempt_offset_priv_secure);
>> Secure buffers are not supported currently, so we can skip this and the
>> context record allocation. Anyway this has to be a separate buffer
>> mapped in secure pagetable which don't currently have. We can skip the
>> same in pseudo register packet too.
> Mmm it would appear that not setting it causes an hang very early. I'll 
> see if I can find out more about what is going on.

Actually it was a mistake I had made when testing. The secure record 
will be gone from the next revision.

>>> +
>>> +    a6xx_gpu->next_ring = ring;
>>> +
> ...
>>>   struct msm_ringbuffer *msm_ringbuffer_new(struct msm_gpu *gpu, int id,
>>> -- 
>>> 2.46.0
> Best regards,

Best regards,
Antonino Maniscalco <antomani103 at gmail.com>

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