[PATCH v2 2/3] drm/msm/dsi: Set PHY usescase (and mode) before registering DSI host

Abhinav Kumar quic_abhinavk at quicinc.com
Sun Feb 9 23:28:45 UTC 2025

On 2/9/2025 1:42 PM, Marijn Suijten wrote:
> Ordering issues here cause an uninitialized (default STANDALONE)
> usecase to be programmed (which appears to be a MUX) in some cases
> when msm_dsi_host_register() is called, leading to the slave PLL in
> bonded-DSI mode to source from a clock parent (dsi1vco) that is off.
> This should seemingly not be a problem as the actual dispcc clocks from
> DSI1 that are muxed in the clock tree of DSI0 are way further down, this
> bit still seems to have an effect on them somehow and causes the right
> side of the panel controlled by DSI1 to not function.
> In an ideal world this code is refactored to no longer have such
> error-prone calls "across subsystems", and instead model the "PLL src"
> register field as a regular mux so that changing the clock parents
> programmatically or in DTS via `assigned-clock-parents` has the
> desired effect.
> But for the avid reader, the clocks that we *are* muxing into DSI0's
> tree are way further down, so if this bit turns out to be a simple mux
> between dsiXvco and out_div, that shouldn't have any effect as this
> whole tree is off anyway.
> Signed-off-by: Marijn Suijten <marijn.suijten at somainline.org>
> ---
>   drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/dsi_manager.c | 30 +++++++++++++++++++-----------
>   1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

Reviewed-by: Abhinav Kumar <quic_abhinavk at quicinc.com>

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