[PATCH 3/4] drm/msm/dsi: Allow all bpc values

Konrad Dybcio konrad.dybcio at oss.qualcomm.com
Mon Feb 10 17:13:58 UTC 2025

On 10.02.2025 6:10 PM, Konrad Dybcio wrote:
> On 8.02.2025 11:09 PM, Marijn Suijten wrote:
>> On 2025-02-03 21:14:26, Danila Tikhonov wrote:
>>> From: Eugene Lepshy <fekz115 at gmail.com>
>>> DRM DSC helper has parameters for various bpc values ​​other than 8:
>> Weird zero-width \u200b spaces here between "values" and "other", please delete
>> those.
>>> (8/10/12/14/16).
>>> Remove this guard.
>>> Signed-off-by: Eugene Lepshy <fekz115 at gmail.com>
>>> Signed-off-by: Danila Tikhonov <danila at jiaxyga.com>
>> Should this patch elaborate that those "DRM DSC helper" don't have any
>> additional guarding for the values you mention either, i.e. passing 9 or 11 or
>>> 16 don't seem to be checked anywhere else either?
>> And your title might have space to spell out "Bits Per Component" entirely.
>>> ---
>>>  drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/dsi_host.c | 7 +------
>>>  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 6 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/dsi_host.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/dsi_host.c
>>> index 007311c21fda..d182af7bbb81 100644
>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/dsi_host.c
>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/dsi_host.c
>>> @@ -1767,11 +1767,6 @@ static int dsi_populate_dsc_params(struct msm_dsi_host *msm_host, struct drm_dsc
>>>  		return -EINVAL;
>>>  	}
>>> -	if (dsc->bits_per_component != 8) {
>>> -		DRM_DEV_ERROR(&msm_host->pdev->dev, "DSI does not support bits_per_component != 8 yet\n");
>>> -		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
>>> -	}
>>> -
>>>  	dsc->simple_422 = 0;
>>>  	dsc->convert_rgb = 1;
>>>  	dsc->vbr_enable = 0;
>> This seems supicous on the dpu1 side, in the original DSC 1.1 (not 1.2) block in
>> dpu_hw_dsc_config(), which has:
>> 	data |= (dsc->line_buf_depth << 3);
>> 	data |= (dsc->simple_422 << 2);
>> 	data |= (dsc->convert_rgb << 1);
>> 	data |= dsc->bits_per_component;
>> The original value of `8` would overlap with the lowest bit of line_buf_depth
>> (4th bit in `data`).  Now, the 2nd bit which will take the value from
>> convert_rgb, which is already set to 1 above, will overlap with the 2nd bit in
>> your new bpc value of 10.
>> Can you double-check that this code in DPU1 is actually valid?  I assume you
>> have tested this panel at least and it is working (worthy mention in the cover
>> letter?), this just seems like yet another mistake in the original bindings
>> (though the register always had a matching value with downstream on 8 BPC panels
>> for me).
> It seems like the lowest bit should be set iff the input is 10bpc, the
> current situation where our '8' bleeds into the following (correctly named
> fields) is bad.

See also



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