[PATCH v2 2/3] drm/msm/dsi: Set PHY usescase (and mode) before registering DSI host

Abhinav Kumar quic_abhinavk at quicinc.com
Mon Feb 10 22:17:48 UTC 2025

On 2/10/2025 6:24 AM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025 at 01:54:29PM +0100, Marijn Suijten wrote:
>> On 2025-02-10 01:11:59, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
>>> On Sun, Feb 09, 2025 at 10:42:53PM +0100, Marijn Suijten wrote:
>>>> Ordering issues here cause an uninitialized (default STANDALONE)
>>>> usecase to be programmed (which appears to be a MUX) in some cases
>>>> when msm_dsi_host_register() is called, leading to the slave PLL in
>>>> bonded-DSI mode to source from a clock parent (dsi1vco) that is off.
>>>> This should seemingly not be a problem as the actual dispcc clocks from
>>>> DSI1 that are muxed in the clock tree of DSI0 are way further down, this
>>>> bit still seems to have an effect on them somehow and causes the right
>>>> side of the panel controlled by DSI1 to not function.
>>>> In an ideal world this code is refactored to no longer have such
>>>> error-prone calls "across subsystems", and instead model the "PLL src"
>>>> register field as a regular mux so that changing the clock parents
>>>> programmatically or in DTS via `assigned-clock-parents` has the
>>>> desired effect.
>>>> But for the avid reader, the clocks that we *are* muxing into DSI0's
>>>> tree are way further down, so if this bit turns out to be a simple mux
>>>> between dsiXvco and out_div, that shouldn't have any effect as this
>>>> whole tree is off anyway.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Marijn Suijten <marijn.suijten at somainline.org>
>>>> ---
>>>>   drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/dsi_manager.c | 30 +++++++++++++++++++-----------
>>>>   1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
>>> Fixes: 57bf43389337 ("drm/msm/dsi: Pass down use case to PHY")
>> I'm not exactly confident about that.  Abhinav pointed out in
>> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/msm/-/issues/41#note_2375646 that
>> msm_dsi_host_register() was not supposed to be enabling the PHY, which I
>> provided a counter-stacktrace for to show that is indeed the case.
>> Either this was always a problem that's only become visible now (and it's an
>> issue with that patch), or a different change causes msm_dsi_host_register()
>> to enable the PHY and program the usecase too early?
> As currently usecase is being programmed after the DSI host being
> registered, there might be a race condition between panel driver probe
> _and_ usecase programming.
>> What do you think?
>> - Marijn

Yes I agree with Dmitry's explanation. The race condition between the 
two can cause this. Hence I am also fine with this change.

>>> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Baryshkov <dmitry.baryshkov at linaro.org>
>>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/dsi_manager.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/dsi_manager.c
>>>> index a210b7c9e5ca281a46fbdb226e25832719a684ea..b93205c034e4acc73d536deeddce6ebd694b4a80 100644
>>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/dsi_manager.c
>>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/dsi_manager.c
>>>> @@ -74,17 +74,33 @@ static int dsi_mgr_setup_components(int id)
>>>>   	int ret;
>>>>   	if (!IS_BONDED_DSI()) {
>>>> +		/* Set the usecase before calling msm_dsi_host_register(), which would
>>>> +		 * already program the PLL source mux based on a default usecase.
>>>> +		 */
>>>> +		msm_dsi_phy_set_usecase(msm_dsi->phy, MSM_DSI_PHY_STANDALONE);
>>>> +		msm_dsi_host_set_phy_mode(msm_dsi->host, msm_dsi->phy);
>>>> +
>>>>   		ret = msm_dsi_host_register(msm_dsi->host);
>>>>   		if (ret)
>>>>   			return ret;
>>>> -
>>>> -		msm_dsi_phy_set_usecase(msm_dsi->phy, MSM_DSI_PHY_STANDALONE);
>>>> -		msm_dsi_host_set_phy_mode(msm_dsi->host, msm_dsi->phy);
>>>>   	} else if (other_dsi) {
>>>>   		struct msm_dsi *master_link_dsi = IS_MASTER_DSI_LINK(id) ?
>>>>   							msm_dsi : other_dsi;
>>>>   		struct msm_dsi *slave_link_dsi = IS_MASTER_DSI_LINK(id) ?
>>>>   							other_dsi : msm_dsi;
>>>> +
>>>> +		/* PLL0 is to drive both DSI link clocks in bonded DSI mode.
>>>> +		 *
>>>> +		/* Set the usecase before calling msm_dsi_host_register(), which would
>>>> +		 * already program the PLL source mux based on a default usecase.
>>>> +		 */
>>>> +		msm_dsi_phy_set_usecase(clk_master_dsi->phy,
>>>> +					MSM_DSI_PHY_MASTER);
>>>> +		msm_dsi_phy_set_usecase(clk_slave_dsi->phy,
>>>> +					MSM_DSI_PHY_SLAVE);
>>>> +		msm_dsi_host_set_phy_mode(msm_dsi->host, msm_dsi->phy);
>>>> +		msm_dsi_host_set_phy_mode(other_dsi->host, other_dsi->phy);
>>>> +
>>>>   		/* Register slave host first, so that slave DSI device
>>>>   		 * has a chance to probe, and do not block the master
>>>>   		 * DSI device's probe.
>>>> @@ -98,14 +114,6 @@ static int dsi_mgr_setup_components(int id)
>>>>   		ret = msm_dsi_host_register(master_link_dsi->host);
>>>>   		if (ret)
>>>>   			return ret;
>>>> -
>>>> -		/* PLL0 is to drive both 2 DSI link clocks in bonded DSI mode. */
>>>> -		msm_dsi_phy_set_usecase(clk_master_dsi->phy,
>>>> -					MSM_DSI_PHY_MASTER);
>>>> -		msm_dsi_phy_set_usecase(clk_slave_dsi->phy,
>>>> -					MSM_DSI_PHY_SLAVE);
>>>> -		msm_dsi_host_set_phy_mode(msm_dsi->host, msm_dsi->phy);
>>>> -		msm_dsi_host_set_phy_mode(other_dsi->host, other_dsi->phy);
>>>>   	}
>>>>   	return 0;
>>>> -- 
>>>> 2.48.1
>>> -- 
>>> With best wishes
>>> Dmitry

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