[PATCH v4 7/9] drm/msm/dpu: handle perf mode in _dpu_core_perf_crtc_update_bus()

Abhinav Kumar quic_abhinavk at quicinc.com
Tue Jan 14 21:18:26 UTC 2025

On 1/14/2025 3:10 AM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 13, 2025 at 07:38:16PM -0800, Abhinav Kumar wrote:
>> On 1/5/2025 7:07 PM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
>>> Move perf mode handling for the bandwidth to
>>> _dpu_core_perf_crtc_update_bus() rather than overriding per-CRTC data
>>> and then aggregating known values.
>>> Note, this changes the fix_core_ab_vote. Previously it would be
>>> multiplied per the CRTC number, now it will be used directly for
>>> interconnect voting. This better reflects user requirements in the case
>>> of different resolutions being set on different CRTCs: instead of using
>>> the same bandwidth for each CRTC (which is incorrect) user can now
>>> calculate overall bandwidth required by all outputs and use that value.
>> There are two things this change is doing:
>> 1) Dropping the core_clk_rate setting because its already handled inside
>> _dpu_core_perf_get_core_clk_rate() and hence dpu_core_perf_crtc_update()
>> will still work.
>> and
>> 2) Then this part of moving the ab/ib setting to
>> _dpu_core_perf_crtc_update_bus().
>> Can we split this into two changes so that its clear that dropping
>> core_clk_rate setting in this change will not cause an issue.
> Ack

Actually I think this is incorrect.

If the user puts in an incorrect value beyond the bounds, earlier the 
code will reject that by failing the in _dpu_core_perf_calc_crtc().

Now, if we move it to _dpu_core_perf_crtc_update_bus(), this is beyond 
the check phase so incorrect values cannot be rejected.

So we will still need to preserve overriding the values in 

>>> Signed-off-by: Dmitry Baryshkov <dmitry.baryshkov at linaro.org>
>>> ---
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_core_perf.c | 40 +++++++++++++--------------
>>>    1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_core_perf.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_core_perf.c
>>> index 70f43e8359caee2082f2ca9944a17a6a20aa3d49..7ff3405c6867556a8dc776783b91f1da6c86ef3f 100644
>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_core_perf.c
>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_core_perf.c
>>> @@ -118,22 +118,9 @@ static void _dpu_core_perf_calc_crtc(const struct dpu_core_perf *core_perf,
>>>    		return;
>>>    	}
>>> -	memset(perf, 0, sizeof(struct dpu_core_perf_params));
>>> -
>>> -	if (core_perf->perf_tune.mode == DPU_PERF_MODE_MINIMUM) {
>>> -		perf->bw_ctl = 0;
>>> -		perf->max_per_pipe_ib = 0;
>>> -		perf->core_clk_rate = 0;
>>> -	} else if (core_perf->perf_tune.mode == DPU_PERF_MODE_FIXED) {
>>> -		perf->bw_ctl = core_perf->fix_core_ab_vote * 1000ULL;
>>> -		perf->max_per_pipe_ib = core_perf->fix_core_ib_vote;
>>> -		perf->core_clk_rate = core_perf->fix_core_clk_rate;
>>> -	} else {
>>> -		perf->bw_ctl = _dpu_core_perf_calc_bw(perf_cfg, crtc);
>>> -		perf->max_per_pipe_ib = perf_cfg->min_dram_ib;
>>> -		perf->core_clk_rate = _dpu_core_perf_calc_clk(perf_cfg, crtc, state);
>>> -	}
>>> -
>>> +	perf->bw_ctl = _dpu_core_perf_calc_bw(perf_cfg, crtc);
>>> +	perf->max_per_pipe_ib = perf_cfg->min_dram_ib;
>>> +	perf->core_clk_rate = _dpu_core_perf_calc_clk(perf_cfg, crtc, state);
>>>    		"crtc=%d clk_rate=%llu core_ib=%u core_ab=%u\n",
>>>    			crtc->base.id, perf->core_clk_rate,
>>> @@ -222,18 +209,29 @@ static int _dpu_core_perf_crtc_update_bus(struct dpu_kms *kms,
>>>    {
>>>    	struct dpu_core_perf_params perf = { 0 };
>>>    	int i, ret = 0;
>>> -	u64 avg_bw;
>>> +	u32 avg_bw;
>>> +	u32 peak_bw;
>>>    	if (!kms->num_paths)
>>>    		return 0;
>>> -	dpu_core_perf_aggregate(crtc->dev, dpu_crtc_get_client_type(crtc), &perf);
>>> +	if (kms->perf.perf_tune.mode == DPU_PERF_MODE_MINIMUM) {
>>> +		avg_bw = 0;
>>> +		peak_bw = 0;
>>> +	} else if (kms->perf.perf_tune.mode == DPU_PERF_MODE_FIXED) {
>>> +		avg_bw = kms->perf.fix_core_ab_vote;
>>> +		peak_bw = kms->perf.fix_core_ib_vote;
>>> +	} else {
>>> +		dpu_core_perf_aggregate(crtc->dev, dpu_crtc_get_client_type(crtc), &perf);
>>> +
>>> +		avg_bw = div_u64(perf.bw_ctl, 1000); /*Bps_to_icc*/
>>> +		peak_bw = perf.max_per_pipe_ib;
>>> +	}
>>> -	avg_bw = perf.bw_ctl;
>>> -	do_div(avg_bw, (kms->num_paths * 1000)); /*Bps_to_icc*/
>>> +	avg_bw /= kms->num_paths;
>>>    	for (i = 0; i < kms->num_paths; i++)
>>> -		icc_set_bw(kms->path[i], avg_bw, perf.max_per_pipe_ib);
>>> +		icc_set_bw(kms->path[i], avg_bw, peak_bw);
>>>    	return ret;
>>>    }

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