[Fribidi-discuss] Fribidi perl module (0.05)

Nadim Shaikli shaikli at yahoo.com
Thu May 23 17:28:04 EST 2002

I looked a bit closer at the Fribidi perl module (FriBidi-0.05) as
I'm considering its inclusion into a couple of things and have the
following questions.

 1. I'm unable to run it due to its use of 'ExtUtils' library;
    downloading that library doesn't do any good since it requires
    itself to be installed (duh... the Makfile.PL, etc).  Is there
    a work around ?  I don't have root access on the machine in
    question either :-)

    Could we do without ExtUtil all together ?  Could we have a
    simple shell/perl script to compile the XSUB, etc ?

 2. A more general question.  Why should I use this perl module over
    the 'system' or 'fork' call within perl ?  Are XSUBs more optimized ?
    Is it worth the headache ?  What will I lose by not using this perl
    module (very curious) ?

    NOTE: I'm not planning on using anything but the command-line
          'fribidi' call (I'm piping a file to it); I don't need any
          internal visibility or control.

BTW: the info/links noted within the fribidi perl package (README) ought
     to be revisited and corrected to point to the fribidi.sf.net URLs


 - Nadim

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