[Fribidi-discuss] (Justified?) compilation warning (fwd)

Shachar Shemesh fribid-discuss at sun.consumer.org.il
Sat Sep 28 05:45:01 EST 2002

Behdad Esfahbod wrote:

>Oops, I forgot to attach the file again. Sorry.
>Please have a look again.

Ok, had a look (a bit late, but still), and I don't quite agree.

Basically, I think you are trying to implement function overloading. I 
wish to devide the discussion to two parts.

A. How is the right function going to be selected.
B. How is each function going to be implemented.
Somewhere along the discussion, another question poped in. Namely:
C. How is the right function going to be distributed to the end user.

In the patch you sent, the answers were (as far as my understanding goes):
A. Automatically, according to the first argument's type (assuming it's 
the right type)
B. Either no reference was made, or suggested reimplementation for each 
size (different sources).
C. Outside the scope of a source file.

My suggestion is along the lines of the attached code:
A. A default is set, and user can override it by calling a specific 
function's name (The win32 way).
B. Common source code, optionally #ifdef.
C. Leave this to the packagers, with an optional request (upstream 
request) to package all encodings together.

The actual attached code will come in a little while, in a seperate mail.


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