[FriBidi] Fribidi not returning the correct number of characters

Kuntal Majumder hellozee at disroot.org
Thu Dec 26 12:52:51 UTC 2019


I am not sure if this is the right place to ask or not  but nevertheless, I 
will, :P

I was researching a bit on drawing text for Krita[1], as the text tool is in a 
pretty bad condition and requires revamp. I stumbled upon libraqm which is 
thin wrapper over fribidi, harfbuzz and freetype with a comfortable interface 
to work with text layouting.

It worked fine to the point I was using English input but crashed as soon as 
switch to Bengali. Upon investigating a little bit, I found the call to 
`fribidi_charset_to_unicode` made here[1] is returning a wrong length of the 

I wrote a small test to confirm that, which can be found here[2]. I am having 
a feeling that what I am doing is wrong but I don't know.

Sorry to bother you folks over holidays, thanks, :3

[1] https://github.com/HOST-Oman/libraqm/blob/master/src/raqm.c#L467
[2] https://gist.github.com/hellozee/45cd60347ba38bcb008b675997e0745e
Kuntal M

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