[Ftp-release] Announce: telepathy-logger 0.1.1

Danielle Madeley danielle.madeley at collabora.co.uk
Thu Feb 25 21:40:26 PST 2010

telepathy-logger 0.1.1 (2010-02-26)

The ``brick by brick'' release.

Tarball: http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/releases/telepathy-logger/telepathy-logger-0.1.1.tar.bz2
Signature: http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/releases/telepathy-logger/telepathy-logger-0.1.1.tar.bz2.asc

This is the second previous release of the telepathy-logger. You should be aware
that this is a piece of software that is still very much in development,
everything is subject to change.

The idea behind tp-logger is that it will become a generic logging daemon usable
anywhere in Telepathy, with any Telepathy client.

Changes in this release:
 - libtelepathy-logger.pc is now just telepathy-logger.pc
 - asynchronous API has _finish() methods.
 - Fix a crasher in handling MUCs
 - Logger now observes channels that are open when it starts
 - API now includes support for storing favourite contacts in a way that can
   be shared between Telepathy clients

Danielle Madeley
Software Developer, Collabora Ltd.                  Melbourne, Australia


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