[Ftp-release] Announce: telepathy-glib 0.11.0

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk
Wed Mar 31 12:25:35 PDT 2010

The ‘bah, you removed my “beautiful” quotes’ release.

This version is the first in the 0.11.x development branch, which will remain
backwards-compatible, but will contain larger changes (so probably more bugs)
than stable branches. The 0.10 branch will continue to be bugfix-only.

telepathy-glib is the GObject binding for the Telepathy real-time communication
framework, which can be used to implement user interfaces, connection managers
(protocol backends), and other Telepathy components.

The latest reviewed code is always available from:
http://git.collabora.co.uk/?p=telepathy-glib.git (gitweb)


‣ GLib, GObject and GIO ≥ 2.22 are now required


‣ fd.o #22206: all the re-entrant functions (of the form tp_FOO_run_until_ready
  and tp_cli_FOO_run_BAR) are deprecated in this version, please use
  asynchronous calls instead (smcv)

‣ fd.o #24114: tp_get_bus() is deprecated, please use tp_dbus_daemon_dup()
  followed by tp_proxy_get_dbus_connection() (smcv)


‣ Update to telepathy-spec 0.19.3 (smcv)
  ❧ generate code for new Connection.Interfaces, Connection.Status properties,
    and implement them in TpBaseConnection
  ❧ generate code for Connection.Interface.Balance

‣ Add an example connection manager for the experimental Call API that will
  eventually replace StreamedMedia (smcv)

‣ Add tp_g_socket_address_from_variant,
  tp_address_variant_from_g_socket_address (danni)

‣ Add tp_g_value_slice_new_byte (smcv)

‣ Add tp_value_array_unpack, the inverse of tp_value_array_build (danni)

‣ Make various minor improvements to the tests (smcv)


‣ tp_account_set_nickname_async: set the right source_tag (cassidy)

‣ fd.o #27281: clarify documentation for tp_message_mixin_sent, using
  telepathy-spec 0.19.2 as a reference (Maiku)

‣ Avoid using re-entrant functions, other than in regression tests (smcv)

‣ fd.o #21956: clean up documentation/defaults of TpContact properties (smcv)

‣ telepathy.am: if copied into a project where nothing is checked for
  unreleased version annotations, don't hang waiting for input (smcv)
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