[Ftp-release] Announce: telepathy-spec 0.19.12

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk
Fri Sep 10 06:52:58 PDT 2010

The “That was the most ridiculous thing I've ever done.” “You invaded
Afghanistan.” “That wasn't just me!” release.

telepathy-spec is the document defining the Telepathy real-time communication
framework's D-Bus API, from which all our other projects are derived.

The current development version of telepathy-spec is available as HTML:
or from the 'master' branch in the git repository:
  <git+ssh://git.collabora.co.uk/git/telepathy-spec.git> (for committers)
  <http://git.collabora.co.uk/?p=telepathy-spec.git> (gitweb)

For packagers (e.g. http://packages.debian.org/telepathy-spec):
tar: http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/releases/telepathy-spec/telepathy-spec-0.19.12.tar.gz
sig: http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/releases/telepathy-spec/telepathy-spec-0.19.12.tar.gz.asc

New API:

☎ Connection.Interface.Cellular has grown a new OverrideMessageServiceCentre
  property. This is technically an API break — MessageServiceCentre is now
  ignored unless OverrideMessageServiceCentre is set to True — but it is
  trivial to update the few components in question appropriately. (fd.o#29555,

☎ The sole useful property from rtcom-telepathy-glib's Channel.Interface.SMS
  (namely Flash, to signal class 0 SMSes) has been imported to a new,
  immediately-undrafted Channel.Interface.SMS. (fd.o#24907, wjt)

☎ New error code NotYet for future use in ContactList (smcv)

☎ New type Object_Immutable_Properties_Map (ptlo)

☎ channel requests' immutable properties should be passed to observers and
  handlers (ptlo)

New experimental API:

☎ Account.I.MinimumPresence draft 2 - a way to request a minimal presence on an
  account, for instance to keep an address-book sync or Tubes active when
  the user would otherwise be offline (ptlo)

☎ fd.o #26866: Protocol.I.Addressing, Conn.I.Addressing and Chan.I.Addressing,
  each draft 1 - interfaces to request contact handles based on URIs and/or
  vCard fields (eeejay)

☎ fd.o #29914: Conn.I.PowerSaving draft 1 - ability to tell connections that
  a mobile device is idle (eeejay)

☎ fd.o #25018: prototype versions of CreateChannelWithHints,
  EnsureChannelWithHints and SucceededWithChannel (wjt, cassidy, smcv)

Changes to experimental API:

☎ Conn.I.ContactList: update to draft 3 (smcv)
  ☎ rename RequestContactList back to GetContactListAttributes, and switch to
    fast-return semantics
  ☎ add Unknown and RemovedRemotely subscription states
  ☎ add ContactListState
  ☎ rename boolean flags to CanChangeContactList and ContactListPersists
  ☎ adjust semantics to make it less likely that blocked contacts appear on
    the contact list


☎ The handler filter examples for StreamedMedia were subtly wrong. (wjt)

☎ fd.o #27393: add <tp:token-ref>, to cross-reference contact attributes and
  handler capability tokens (smcv)
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