[Ftp-release] [Telepathy] Announce: telepathy-haze 0.8.0

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk
Wed Oct 2 10:39:04 PDT 2013

The “batch processing” release. This is a new stable branch,
recommended for GNOME 3.10-based distributions.

git: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/telepathy/telepathy-haze

Fixes since 0.7.1:

• Report contacts with unknown presence as 'unknown' rather than raising
  an error, and don't crash if libpurple reports a "primitive status"
  that we don't understand (fd.o #69474, Simon)

• Fix a memory leak when IM channels are closed (fd.o #31723, Simon)

• Fix ContactGroups.SetContactGroups() implementation so it removes
  the contact from groups if desired (fd.o #49389, Simon)

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